Volt 100

221 5 15

Warnings: None???
Word count: 6114
Edited: 8/4/24

Italics - Tsukare signing
Underlined italics - Family member/friend signing
'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts

I bounced excitedly in place with Denki beside me as we waited for Nakami. I had managed to swing by my Auntie Nem's early enough to get her help with covering the hickeys on my neck, but not without any teasing. She even gave me a tube of her back up concealer to use for the next few days, before proceeding to ask if we were being safe.

"He's the guy that you didn't knock on his ass during the licensing exam, right?" My boyfriend asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, Shindo is the one I knocked on his ass. My parents actually got permission from Nedzu for Nakami to come here. The only condition is that as soon as we get to my parents place my Dad has to use his quirk on him." I told him and he nodded along, smiling softly as he looked at me.

"I can't wait to properly meet him." He said and I bounced in my place again, excitedly shaking his hands in mine.

"He's here! Nakami!" I called through the gate of UA, waving to my friend with dark chestnut hair. He awkwardly waved back and continued walking. Just as awkwardly, he opened up his arms and gave me a quick hug.

"Happy birthday." He said with a faint smile. "You're his boyfriend, Kaminari?" He turned to the blond who nodded, opening his arms for a hug. "Sorry, I have an aversion to physical touch. Onryo is the exception because it's his birthday and Oribuko later because I haven't seen him in years." He explained, watching as my boyfriend processed the words.

"Okay, well let's get moving then!" He said and I held his hand happily.

"So, welcome to your sister school, I suppose. Maybe the next time you come it'll be for a joint training effort. Also if you need to switch to sign for any reason, my parents, my brother, Izuku and Yoru are all fluent, most of my aunts and uncles know a decent amount to be able to get by and Denki is learning a lot, so someone can interpret if it comes down to it." I told him and he seemed to physically relax.

"It's good to see you haven't changed a bit." He said and I laughed under my breath, Denki however, looked very confused. "He hasn't taken his ADHD medication today because there's no school." He summed up and Denks paused before rifling through his pockets and offering him a fidget toy. "You two are great for each other. You're the only other person I've met that just grabs a random fidget out of their pocket." He said making me laugh while grabbing my own fidget cube. "You still have that thing?" He asked and I nodded.

"Shit, I've had this for like, ten years now." I mumbled and he nodded while we walked to my parents front door. "Also, I figured I'd get you here early so you can meet people one by one instead of being thrown into the chaos."

"Much appreciated." He said and we stepped in. Dad immediately used his quirk and was satisfied to see it was really Nakami.

"Hey little listeners! You must be Nakami!" Pops called out and Nakami bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet you all." He said and Pops waved off the gesture.

"Don't worry about formalities, we gave up on those a while ago. Come on in!" He told us and I gestured for him to follow, scooping up Mittens and handing her to him.

"This is Mittens. You might see Spots later." He hummed and I watched him relax substantially as he started petting her.

"We have different drinks and sodas in the kitchen, feel free to help yourself." Dad said and Nakami awkwardly nodded.

Silent Sparks (Male!OC x Kaminari Denki)Where stories live. Discover now