Volt 76

261 10 1

Warnings: Little bit of family tension, but fluff!!!
Word count: 4254
Edited: 6/24/24

Italics - Tsukare signing
Underlined italics - Family member/friend signing
'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts

I slowly made my way to Chiyo's office, stalling on talking about everything. I knew it would be the smart thing to do, but at the same time, I wasn't really looking forward to this. Eventually, however, I caved and walked inside. The older lady sitting in her stool and cheerfully looking at me.

"Oh, hello dear, go sit in my office, will you? I'll be there in just a minute." I softly nodded and walked into her office, my hand instantly gravitating towards a fidget toy to harness my energy temporarily. It didn't take long for her to walk in and sit in her spinning chair. "Alrighty, I see we didn't have an appointment today, what brings you here?"

"I had a really bad nightmare last night, woke up screaming and stuff." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair. "It was about Toga." I started, explaining the rest of what happened.

"Tsukare, dear, I really think it would be helpful if you opened up about what happened in Kamino. That way you can start truly healing." I chewed on my lower lip and looked away. "It doesn't have to be me you talk to. It can be your family, Nedzu, your friends, your boyfriend. But it would be good to talk to someone. Think about it, okay?" I nodded, not knowing if that was something I could even do.

"My Dad and I got into a disagreement." I added, changing topics.

"Oh? That's quite unusual."

"Yeah. He doesn't think I'm mentally okay enough to go on a mission because the League might be involved. He's trying to get me pulled off without really letting me have a say in it." Her face pinched into one of confusion before she sighed and picked up her desks phone.

"Aizawa? Yes, this is Recovery Girl. Would you mind coming to my office? Thank you, dear." She said and hung up the phone. "We're getting this sorted out, because that doesn't sound quite right to me." I nodded and leaned back in my chair. Dad arrived in a few minutes, looking perplexed as he sat down beside me.

"Onryo? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, she called you down because I told her we had a disagreement. And it's fucking with me because we barely disagree on things, especially larger ones like this." He sighed and nodded, accepting the truth.

"So, Shouta, Tsukare said you two had a disagreement over him going on a mission because the League might be involved. Is that right?" Dad sighed but nodded and explained our conversation to her. "I see both sides, but I want you two to try and fix this now."

"I don't understand why I can't go on the mission." I told him sharply.

"Onryo, I understand you want to do this, but I'm concerned about the aftermath. You have to take into consideration any and all possibilities." He said softly.

"And I am taking it into consideration." I said in a pleaded tone. "Dad, this is part of my future. One way or another, I'm going to end up going on a mission. Whether it be this one or another one, it's bound to happen."

"And I don't believe it's a good idea for you to go on this one." He said, making my frustration grow.

"That's fucking bullshit." He looked at me in disbelief as I raised my voice. "We have always been able to talk things out, and at the very least, come to a middle ground. Stop blocking out everything I have to say. My say in this situation is just as important as almost anyone else that's directly involved, and I want it to be treated that way. Not disregarded and pushed to the side because you don't agree with me." He sighed but nodded, staring at the tiled floor.

Silent Sparks (Male!OC x Kaminari Denki)Where stories live. Discover now