fucking draco

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"WHAT THE FUCK?" Enzo screamed, his voice echoing.

"Oh my god, bleach my eyes please." Theo cupped his hands to his face. Like he hasn't ever seen a girl with a bra on. Although he had the widest grin on his face.

This can't be happening.

This can't be fucking happening.

I closed my eyes hoping it was just a bad dream but it wasn't.

"SO THIS IS WHATS BEEN GOING ON?" I've never seen Enzo so mad.

"Enzo please calm down." I begged.

"I WONT. GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER RIDDLE." He shoved him away and grabbed my arm.

"Holy shit, Malfoy will get a kick out of this." Theo ran off.

"THEODORE NOTT YOUR BETTER GET YOUR SORRY ASS BACK HERE." I screamed charging at Theo before Mattheo held me back.

"How long has this been going on Riddle." Enzo slammed the door and turned to us. Me and Mattheo just looked at eachother.

"not long, I swear just a few weeks."

"A FEW WEEKS YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING MY SISTER FOR WEEKS" Enzo was getting closer and closer to Mattheos face.

"Enzo!! Get away from him." I tried to step between them but he pushed me back behind him again.

Enzo just looked between us, not knowing what it say.

"I'm sorry Mattheo, but I can't let you put my sister in danger."

"What? Enzo what are you talking about?" I asked. Mattheo looked at him knowingly.

"I would never let anyone harm her, you know that."

"I hope your right."And with that he walked out and slammed the door.

I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Within the matter of 5 minutes my world turned upside down.

What was he talking about?

"Don't worry to much princess. Let's get to bed come on."


"No buts. Come on." He helped me climb into bed with him. I could barely sleep that night. Even with his arms wrapped around me. I couldn't help but wonder, was I really in harms way being around Mattheo? If so, How?

That next morning me and Mattheo walked in the great hall together.

But this time everyone turned to whisper as we pasted by.

I sat down with Harry, Ron and Hermione just for them to ignore me.

"Hello? What's going on."

"Elle. Everyone's heard." My eyes widened. I immediately knew what she was talking about.

Fucking Draco.

"Oh Hermione I-"

"Save it." She turned back to her food, not saying another word.

Of course, Harry and Ron didn't even dare talk to me. So we just sat in silence eating our food.

Great. My brother was mad at me. My friends won't talk to me and now the whole damn school knows my business.

Seeing as nobody was going to talk to me and, I strutted my way to the library.

I started to scan down the isles. Each row had a number



"55" I walked up to edge near the window and scanned for the book I was missing for my studies. I spotted it and reached up as far as my arms would take me.

I felt a body press up against my back and grab the book for me. I rolled my eyes and smiled, turning to Mattheo.

Except. No. He doesn't smell like this.

I thought before realizing who it was. I took the book from his hand and walked away.

"Not even a thank you? Didn't realize you stooped so low Elle."

"Stay away from me." I walked away but became frightened as he approached my back and grabbed both my thighs.

"You miss me and you know it." He whispered against my ear. I turned around and shoved him off.

"I said get the fuck away from me Isaac." This time I hurried to get away from him. His body shoved me up against a nearby bookshelf and started to kiss my neck.

I tried to push him off but his grip of my arms was so strong I couldn't budge.

"St-Stop, please." The words barely coming out. Everything he did brought me back to that day.

That one Christmas day where my uncle changed my life for the worse.

"Don't touch m-me" Tears streaming down my face. That's when I realized. No one was going to come to save me. No one came to save me when I was 6. No one was going to save me now.

I forced my knee up and it met his crotch.

"Fuck!" He fell backward but caught himself. I took the time to punch him in the face. Several times.

"That's for assaulting me." I threw another punch.

"That's for calling me a whore." I threw another.

"And that's for abusing me our entire fucking relationship."

He stumbled back and fell on the floor wiping his nose from the blood. I spat on him and turned away.

To my surprise, Draco and Theo were standing there jaws dropped.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I shoved past them and walked out to there. I was fuming. But Feeling better than ever.

Delicate - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now