Bastion Keith Argyle

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Name: Bastion Keith Argyle

Nicknames: Bas, Bast, Baby (he gets called this more than almost everything else)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Werewolf



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(Faceclaim: Daniel Millar - @danielmillar_ on Insta)He's 6'3

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(Faceclaim: Daniel Millar - @danielmillar_ on Insta)
He's 6'3

(Faceclaim: Daniel Millar - @danielmillar_ on Insta)He's 6'3

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Personality: There is a reason his nickname is Baby. And why everyone calls him it. He is a baby. The boy - for he is a boy, even though he is 23 - has no skills. None. He can't cook, he can't clean, he can't do anything political. He is very ineloquent, he is whiny, he is spoiled, and he just wants people to listen and do what he says. Why is it so hard for people to listen and do what he says? Maybe because he does't lead. He just says "get me a coffee" or "I don't know, they are cute! Let's make an alliance with them! They are bad people? They don't believe in the Goddess? They want to kill me? That's too bad." He knows nothing about no one. The name Veronica von Weissen would simply get a brow raise and a "Is she single?" The name RaunVolk or Basho also wouldn't ring a bell, despite the fact that he was legitimized by the RaunVolk pack. That day was the best damn performance of his entire life. Any acting and political skill he may have had was used up that night. It would be at least a millennia before another performance that well could be done. He is ready to give it all up for every attractive person he sees. Assassination attempts would fail because he is so idiotic even Death doesn't want him. No one does. The boy is oblivious.

Likes: things, being listened to, being Alpha, pretty people and things, the color orange, the color green, flowers, was being listened to mentioned?, Emmett

Dislikes: being ignored, people being mean to him (if he picks up on the fact they are being mean), being alone, the circumstances of is ascension to Alpha

Powers: shift into a wolf (above); heightened durability, strength, speed, senses, and reflexes while in human form.

Backstory: There is a reason Bastion is tolerated, and that is to hnonor his family. Bastion was the youngest of five, and he was never supposed to be Alpha. His next oldest sibling was ten years older than him - his parents had a late pregnancy, his mother was 47 when she had him, his dad 50. It is why Bastion was called Baby, initially, which may have shaped into who he became. Everyone called him Baby - in the family and outside it - and at some point, at least within the kids his age, and those who really didn't like him, the nickname morphed into an insult. He didn't pick up on it right away, but when he did he'd gone crying to his mother, who wiped his tears and kissed his head, and held him until he calmed down. His mother was his favorite person. She died when he was 11 years old, due to complications with her heart. His dad died less than a year later from a broken heart. His eldest sibling took over, and that's when things went downhill. His brother would have been the best Alpha ever, but then his supposed mate killed him in his sleep on their mating night. Then killed his older siblings. Poor Baby was left alone, too young and weak, overlooked. He was only 12. His brother and other siblings were murdered four months after his dad died. At 12 years old, based on the laws of their pack - which work the same as the royal line - he became official Alpha. Loyalists to his brother killed the woman who'd taken over three months after she took over, and pushed Bastion onto the throne. A regent ruled in his stead, his brother's best friend and Beta, until he was 18. Then he took over. His Beta is his regent, a man who is 28 years older than he, just like his brother had been. And Bastion is tolerated. Loved because he had always been loved, but tolerated as an Alpha and as a person.

Other: Though Alpha and Beta are the technical titles, King and Prime Minister are sometimes used by outside packs in a mocking manner
Bastion, deep down, is just a lonely sweetheart who has been through too much, and is severely broken and traumatized
He literally is the worst Alpha in the entire country - Packlink Press determined that in their annual, end of the year ranking of all the Alpha's. He has been dead last for the past eleven years - they did not go easy on little 12 year old him
He turned 13 two months after taking on the mantle - his birthday is December 25
His best friend and soulmate (NOT MATE) is Emmett Jax Mayfield Pemberton

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