🏝️ The Hood 🏝️

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This page will act as an information page and divider for The Hood pack

TW: This pack acts as a sanctuary for the abused, so various abuses may be mentioned

The Hood is actually four packs in one - The Sisterhood, The Brotherhood, and The Neighborhood, and The Matehood. Located in the middle of nowhere, out in the Nevada desert The Great Basin, it is a place that is deeply removed and hard to get to - this is a purposeful decision. Though the summers are grueling and the travel to get to the pack is intense, once there you find yourself in an oasis resort. The oasis has been guarded since before Nevada was 'discovered' by the colonialist who moved throughout the Americas. Still guarded, it has transformed beyond what it was, which was simply a guarded, sacred oasis. The Hood is now a sanctuary for the supernaturals (rare human cases) who are fleeing from difficult, abusive, horrible lives.

It is not the most well-known pack, despite their massive numbers, and many think them to be a myth.

The Sisterhood
The Sisterhood is for the women who choose to join their ranks - healers, caretakers, warriors, scribes, and religious teachers, these women are a nun-like organization, though no vow of virginhood must be taken. However, once marked by a mate, those of the Sisterhood must leave the ranks and join The Matehood or The Neighborhood. These women are instrumental in the running of the pack, and they are the true backbone of The Hood. Women of all ages can join, though they must at least be 16 years of age to take the oath. The attire of the Sisterhood ranges in appearance though the color is always predominantly white, and though many choose to adorn the hood and cloak that marks their oath, some opt for smaller ways to show their oath - a ribbon in their hair or around their neck, thick cloth-bracelets that adorn their wrists and ankles, or simply a pure-white outfit. They must always have a visible marking of the white cloth on them - a strip of fabric that is seven inches in height, three inches in width. This cloth must never be purposefully torn unless the oath is being forsworn, and it must never be removed save to wash it - but another cloth must be adorned in the process. Though all those in the Sisterhood are given two cloths upon their oath, many take more, especially if they choose not to adorn the full, modest attire of a hood, and monk-like/nun-like cloaked form (honestly, think The Ancient One from Doctor Strange).

The Sisterhood cares for the women who were abused, hurt, and tormented in the lives they are fleeing, especially those women who cannot be touched or be near a man. The Sisterhood takes up one sector of the pack (the pack is broken into four sectors) and is the most removed from the other sectors and packs. Done for the safety of their members, only those who have taken the oath are often seen in the various other sectors. Not all of those in who reside in the sector are official oath-takers, but rather those who need the specific care and attention that the oath-takers can give them. Though it is hoped that the women they care for can move into The Neighborhood or perhaps find their way away from The Hood, there are a few women who are not oath-takers but are rather called Lifers - they are so deeply traumatized they must remain in the care of The Sisterhood for life.

The Sisterhood numbers at roughly 150 oath-takers and 15 lifers, with a varying amount of patrons that wains anywhere from 10 to 200 women. The reason for such a drastic range of patrons depends on how many women arrive for The Sisterhood at once. The Sisterhood works closely with Mama's Sanctuary (Jolene Callaster's network of women's shelters) and sometimes women arrive from them in droves. Sanctum has also been known to send some people to The Hood, and therefore The Sisterhood, who may have been using Sanctum as help to cross borders or smuggle away from abusive relationships. Meaning, there are roughly 365 occupants when they reach their max intake (thus far).

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