Minato Shio

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Name: Minato Shio

Nicknames: Min, Shio, Senshi ('warrior' in Japanese)

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual/romantic

Species: Werewolf



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(Faceclaim: Naoki Kobayashi - @naokikobayashi_works on Insta)He's 6'2

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(Faceclaim: Naoki Kobayashi - @naokikobayashi_works on Insta)
He's 6'2

(Faceclaim: Naoki Kobayashi - @naokikobayashi_works on Insta)He's 6'2

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Personality: Minato is a quiet man. Serious, protective, and observant. He's also loyal - though unlike most of the rest of his pack, his loyalty isn't blindly given. It is earned, which males his loyalty all the more powerful and devoted. A man of deep, deep honor, nothing and no one can get him to betray his oaths, his morals, or his beliefs. Quiet, he often does not speak, unless he is directly spoken to. Even then, he'll remain silent if he believes the question or comment hasn't merited a response or even acknowledgement. Observant, he notices everything going on around him at all times. He knows things are happening seconds before they happen, that's how observant he is. Protective, he will not hesitate to throw himself into harms way for those he is loyal to. He will do everything in his power to keep his charges safe, and he has quite a lot of it. Disciplined, he has a routine and he sticks to it. Obedient, he listens to the commands given to him by his superiors, and does so without hesitation. What he wants is irrelevant, what his superiors want is what is important. Loyal, he will never break his oath once it is given, not until death. Even in death, he will carry his oath on. Minato is a hard man to get close to, but getting close to him is worth it, if you've got the time and patience. His friendship is hard won, just like his loyalty. Never vulnerable with people he can't trust, he isn't always vulnerable even with those he does. He holds himself to high standards and is extremely hard on himself if he doesn't meet those standards. Carrying the weight of the world of his loved ones, he does so with seeming ease, and without complaint. If it means protecting the ones in his care, and if it means they get the life they want and deserve, he will gladly carry that burden. The epitome of the saying 'it's my cross to bear,' he will truly suffer in silence for those in his care. Never letting on that he is struggling, no one (save one person, Aphrodisia) ever seems to notice. Even then, he will soldier on, and he will push his needs aside for the needs of his charges. A great man, honorable, and loyal, he can also be kind even though he isn't nice. Gentle with children and children only, he is a vastly intimidating, often stone-faced man. However, get those walls to come down even a smidge, it becomes clear he is a good man worth knowing.

Likes: protecting his charges, loyalty, trust, honor, training, serving his pack, duty, discipline, preparedness, perfection

Dislikes: failing to meet his standards, falling short, being caught unawares, dishonor, disloyalty, distrust, ineptitude

Powers: shifts into a wolf (looks above); heightened speed, senses, strength, durability, and reflexes while in human form

Backstory: Minato moved to the United States with his parents when he was 12 years old. Living as rogues for three years, they found their home in the Gáta tou Lýkos pack, and though he was distrustful and suspicious of everyone around him, in the current day he is immensely grateful for all his parents sacrificed to be here. He was always quiet, and when he arrived he was immediately put into training, two years behind his peers. But he put in the work, and soon enough he excelled beyond those of his age group. Something about the fighting and training was calming, allowing him to slip into a sort of 'battle grace' where everything came easily to him. When he was 20, he finally qualified to become a True Fighter, and he took his oath. That was the proudest day of his life, and his best accomplishment. He was fiercely protective of his pack, earning a respectable and honorably reputation among his peers, and quickly gaining favor with his superiors, and even the former ruler of his pack. Everything he did was to make his parents proud, to protect the home they finally found, after a lifetime of prosecution, trauma, pain, and their sacrifices. When they died in a car accident, that was the worst day of Minato's life. 21 years old, he suddenly gained custody of his younger siblings - Kenji who was 14 at the time, and Moeko who was 5. He took on the task with grace, never showing his siblings how much grief weighed him down, how shattered the loss of their parents made him. So he raised them, gladly so, and he loved - loves - them in that fierce yet quiet way of his. Everything after that became about honoring his parents and being the best parent to his siblings that he could be. 18 years later, the three are as tight a family unit as anyone ever could be. When Aphrodisia Aetos was named heir and arrived to the pack, Minato neither trusted nor liked her, simply because she hadn't earned it yet. She didn't earn it for another three years, at which time he steadily grew to like and respect her, even trust her, though his loyalty was not earned. It was earned five years ago when Minato saved Moeko's life after a terrible speedboat accident in which Moeko was hit while in the water. She would have drowned had Aphrodisia not dove down and pulled her back to the shore, effectively saving her life. From that day on, Minato was her most loyal subject. When Aphrodisia was finally crowned another three years later, Minato swore his oath to her, becoming the Queen's Shadow - her sworn protector and bodyguard. His loyalty belongs to his family above all, but Aphrodisia earned her spot among them. Minato does whatever he is told, never far from her side. Though he harbors no romantic or sexual feelings for his Queen, that hasn't stopped the rumors flying. Rumors he does not care about, because the only people that matter know they are not true. Devout but not due to near-religious belief in a werecat's divinity, Minato's loyalty is the one Aphrodisia most cherishes, because she knows first hand how hard it was for her to earn it. Minato lives his days by her side, protecting his Queen and his pack with every breath he takes. He will do so until he breathes no more.

Other: Minato's first language is Japanese and when he does speak English, he speaks with a Japanese accent, due to the fact he only learned English once he made it to the United States
His parents got together against their families orders and were punished severely for it and it's why they fled to the US when they finally saved up the funds to
Minato is technically illegally in the United States - he holds no citizenship
He is incredibly close with Kenji and Moeko - he would sacrifice the world for them
When he was young, he used to have dreams of being a dancer
Minato loves classical music, listening to it whenever he is alone, and whenever he is working out or training
Minato's name means 'harbor' and it symbolizes safety and shelter - he truly believes his name guided his life's purpose
He lives in a small, modest house not for from the Monarch House; this was the family house when they moved to the pack, and will stay in the Shio family so long as Minato has a say in it (he does)
When he swore his oath to Aphrodisia, he was given another tattoo - or rather, an addition was made to the True Fighter one. Around the circle outline, on the outside, black is shaded in all around it
Minato goes where his Queen does
He has a very deep voice, the kind of voice that is so deep that sometimes you can't actually hear/process what is being said
Minato is the best fighter in the pack, no doubt about it, and could contend with the tops fighters of the nation, perhaps even with a chance to claim the title of best
Minato is trained with a sword/katana, staff, and throwing knives. He carries these weapons on him within his pack territory at all times, and does so in other territories if he is allowed
Minato has only ever had one partner in his entire life, the relationship ending when she broke things off and moved across the country to be with other family. That was in his mid 20s, and she is the only person he has ever been with in every regard
Though he hasn't had a partner, he is not opposed to one or a mate, if the person is right; he would love a family, of his own, to have his own kids, but refuses to do so with anyone other than his life-partner
Minato wakes up at 5:00 am every morning
Minato has weekly meals with his siblings, if his schedule allows it
When Minato loves, his love is all encompassing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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