Chapter 3.

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Scrambling to get Agnes out of the car and transported to the infirmary, I can feel Abernathy glaring at me for not following his order. We will have to settle this later, Ags needs all the attention.

The doctor is asking me a few questions about what happened throughout our day.

'Nothing out of the ordinary. Woke up and got ready to head into the city to take care of some business there. She worked and took some phone calls. His Majesty came to visit. We spoke with him while trying to control her needs. That was all.

She was a little hot and sweaty during our last encounter but recovered. We walked down to the garage with no problems until she screamed in pain.' I explain as he is buzzing around Agnes taking vitals and making notes on his tablet.

'Did she eat, drink, or have any blood today?' The doctor asks.

'No, we had planned to get blood on the way home today but she said she wasn't hungry when I asked as we got into the elevator.' I tell him

'Hmmm. Her heart rate is extremely low at about 5-6 bpm. Blood pressure is basically nonexistent. Her body temp is 66*F. I am not sure what could be happening. I would like to take some scans of her abdomen.' He tells us.

Vampires have a resting heart rate of about 20-25 bpm. Sometimes when we are extremely exerted, our pulse rises to about 35-40 bpm.

Blood pressure is typically under the low end of human standards. We don't need a high pressure to function. So I don't think we are worried about her blood pressure.

The body temperature for a vampire is typically around 73-75*F, so that's pretty weird. She was so hot not even 30 minutes before and now she is 8 degrees colder.

I just don't understand.

The doctor pulls over an ultrasound machine. He instructs the nurse to cut off and remove her dress. As he is prepping the machine, His Majesty speaks up.

'The chocolates I brought. Agnes took a bite of one.' He says.

'I'm not sure of the chocolates you speak of. Did you offer her one?' I ask and he nods in response.

'If you offered her something, she would have politely accepted it whether she wanted it or not. Did you have one?' I ask.

This time he shakes his head no.

Ok, where the fuck did he get these chocolates from. Seeing the confusion on my face, His Majesty explains.

'Monica gave them to me to bring to Agnes. She said her grandmother had made them and promised Agnes some of her next batch, from the last time they saw each other. She took a very small bite from one of the pieces when she emerged from the bathroom.' He calmly states.

Ummmmmm, why are we not freaking out? It's the fucking chocolates!!!!

'Doctor Merrill, will you please test her blood and swab her mouth?' I request.

Nodding, the doctor gets straight to work giving the nurse direction.

'Did you kiss, Her Highness, while you were intimate after she consumed the chocolate in question?' Doctor Merrill asks me.

Looking over at Abernathy, he nods and that gives the doctor his answer.

'I feel fine. Please, just focus on Agnes.' I state while trying to dodge the nurse who is trying to get me to sit down.

After collecting the blood sample and the cheek swab, one of the nurses leaves the room. The remaining medical team starts on the ultrasound.

I agreed to have my blood taken as a precaution.

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