Chapter 23.

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Briggs' P.O.V.

'Agnes, Malcolm. I would like to introduce you to my Gamma Richard Crosley and my Delta Donald Martinez. Gentlemen, treat them with respect.' I say agitatedly.

I am so pissed that Agnes is this nervous and uncomfortable in my pack, our pack. I am even more pissed that she has multiple reasons to feel that way.

'It's a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, I look forward to working with you. Cheers to getting to know each other.' Agnes greets and toasts my ranking officials with so much grace and elegance. Xave and the ranking also toasted one another.

It's hard to remember that she just turned 18. Which, I need to plan something for her to celebrate. Maybe something with just us 4.

'It's nice to smell that you have all mated. I was wondering when that was going to happen.' I hear my dad pop into my head as he approaches the table with mom.

Once my parents have arrived at the table. I stand up to greet them. My dad receives a handshake and my mom receives a kiss.

Agnes, Xave, and Riley take turns greeting my parents, as well. When my mom gets to Agnes, she has the biggest smile on her face when she hugs my female mate. 'Congratulations.' Mom whispers in her ear before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Agnes gives her a sweet 'thank you' and kisses my mom's cheek and then my dad's.

'Agnes, Malcom. It's a pleasure to introduce you to mine and Riley's parents; Alpha Martin Hampton and Luna Margaret Hampton. Mom, dad; these are my two mates that you haven't met.' I tell them while giving Riley a little smile.

'Oh please, sweetheart. Any mate of yours may calls us mom and dad!' My mom says excitedly. 'We are so happy to add you both to our family. I can't wait for you to meet our daughter, Bethany. She is your age, however, she is currently off at school.'

'No she's not.' The door slammed open and in comes my sister, Bethie. Oh it feels like it's been so long since I have seen her. But it's only been since I left for the Proposals.

She runs up to me and gives me a hug before she turns to Riley. 'Mated to each other, that's fucking kinky.' She says before turning to look at Agnes and Xave.

'Fuck me. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. What are you doing with my brothers!' She teases.

'Watch your language, baby.' My dad warns but that just causes her to roll her eyes.

'It's a pleasure to meet you, both. Agnes, Malcolm; I am Bethany Genevieve Hampton. You can call me Bethie.' My sister greets my mates and I feel so happy. All the aggravation that I felt has slipped to the back burner.

'Please, everyone sit.' I say as I hold the chair for Agnes. I lean down and kiss her lips before I settle back into my seat.

'What are you doing home, Bethie? Shouldn't you be at school?' I ask.

'And miss this shit show, absolutely not. I planned a flight for as soon as I could get back. When news broke about what happened upon your return home, I knew I had to come back to see you. Can't say I'm not extremely disappointed in the pack but thoroughly impressed with the Luna.' She smiles.

Fuck. So everyone knows about what happened here? Did people hear about it all the way in London?

Dinner is served but I notice that Agnes is not eating much. Ok, she hasn't taken a single bite. I know Vampires don't need food for subsistence but she is a hybrid now. Xave is destroying the roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. He has had at least a dozen rolls and a serving bowl of broccoli.

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