chapter 1

610 16 3

"" - talking

** - thinking 

[] - actions while talking

We open this story to see Y/n in the support workshop working on something this was after the USJ incident, he was wielding something together then his phone went off it was Aizawa so he stopped wielding whatever he was working on and picked up his phone.

Sleepy bitch " Y/n come to my class now. "

Y/n " Piss off. "

Sleepy bitch " Young man don't make me drag you. "

Y/n " Fucking fine I'm coming. "

Y/n then put his devices away and locked them in his work station as some of the others tried to constantly steal it, Y/n then made it to class 1-A and walked in to see his adopted mother with her class but she was heavily bandaged up.

Y/n " Now the fuck you want and what the fuck happened to you? "

Aizawa " Watch that language with me asshole and a Nomu did this to me. "

Y/n " Fucking make me ya insomniac bitch. "

Aizawa " Grrr whatever we're getting side tracked class this is Y/n my adopted son don't mess with him or he wont help you when it comes to support items, if you have a request ask him he'll help. "

Y/n " When did I agree to that? "

Aizawa " Right now. "

Y/n " Yeah I ain't doing it especially to a class full of women who are probably thinking of insulting and beating the shit out of me. "

Aizawa " They wont. "

Y/n " You said that last time and they broke two of my ribs and dislocated my arm so no. "

Y/n then went to walk out the class but when he opened he door he saw his work station being carried by All might :

Y/n then went to walk out the class but when he opened he door he saw his work station being carried by All might :

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All might " Hello useless male here is your desk cause your staying in this class from now on. "

Y/n " ... Fucking tits fine just put it at the back carefully or you could lose those arms. "

All might grew a face of worry and carefully put it at the back of the class Y/n then walked up to it and plugged it in to a wall socket, as he did the two holographic screen appeared with support items design and code for something.

Aizawa " Before you do anything introduce yourself. "

Y/n " Fine I'm Y/n L/n I'm a student in the support course and this sleepy bitch is my adopted mother. "

Aizawa " Stop calling me that. "

Y/n " Stop signing me up for shit in UA that I don't want to do. "

??? " Then why don't you leave? "

my hero academia x male support readerWhere stories live. Discover now