Chapter 4

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Y/n was sat with the other league of villains members making a plan for the summer camp.

Y/n " Alright listen this plan is good however if we succeed in kidnapping Kastumi the heroes will quickly find out about this place and try to take her back, if that happens we need a back up plan. "

Kurogiri " Me or All for one will teleport us out of here but she has plans, she wants all might take to her down and put her in tartarus so she can break out all the villains there. "

Dabi " And what of us? "

Kurogiri " We'll go into hiding except for Y/n she wants Y/n to be caught by the heroes and for everyone to know that he's alive. "

Tamari " Is she sure he'll be in a lot of danger? "

Kurogiri " Yes she is. "

Y/n " I'll do it. "

Tamari " Are you sure? You don't know what they could do. "

Y/n " I trust all for one and I get to traumatise my adopted mother and her students. "

Toga " You really care about him don't you Tamari? "

Tamari " [ blushing ] Hey don't call me out like that. "

Y/n " Tamari can we talk ... alone. "

The others " ooooooooh. "

Tamari nods and she walks away from the others with Y/n to a room far away enough so that the others couldn't hear them.

Y/n " [ takes off his helmet ] Do you really like me? "

Tamari " [ blushing ] I- I mean yes I do. "

Y/n was blushing as well and then walked up to Tamari then kissed her, they embraced each other deepening the kiss they eventually broke it.

Y/n " I love you to Tamari. "

Tamari " It makes me happy to hear you feel the same way. "

Y/n " I fell in love with you when I first met you. "

Y/n and Tamari then heard people gasping, cheering and clapping they looked back to see the other members of the league of villains watching them through the door this made both Tamari and Y/n blush.

Dabi " Congrats you two. "

Toga " Finally twice you owe me £10. "

Twice " I'm so happy for you two ... bullshit I didn't make a bet with you ... here. [ hands Toga the money ] "

Kurogiri " Also All for one saw. "

Y/n " Oh I'm so dead. "

Tamari " You should be fine. "

All for one then appeared through a portal and walked up to Y/n.

All for one " ... I approve. " 

All for one then disappeared back through the portal.

Y/n " Oh thank God. "

time skip at the summer camp

Dabi set the forest on fire and everyone was looking for Katsumi but Y/n found her first.

Katsumi " Your Y/n's friend what are you doing here? Are you with the villains?! "

Y/n didn't say anything but a part of his shoulder lifted up then a gun appeared from it and shot a tranquiliser at Katsumi, it hit her in the shoulder and it instantly took affect she fell to the floor and before she passed out she saw Y/n in his armor walk up to her the kneel down to her.

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