Chapter 5

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Aizawa wheeled Y/n into class 1-A's classroom while Mei :

was carrying his helmet and left arm, Aizawa put Y/n at the front of the classroom and Y/n saw his old classmates.

Y/n " Sup been a while liked what I did at the sports festival? "

No one answered him.

Y/n " Ok hey can you guys activate my repair functions Id like my left arm back. "

Mei " How do we know that it isn't tied to another function? "

Y/n " Cause the device you are using that deactivated my functions is consistently reading them and storing them so just make a new device that is connected to the one that is currently still sticking out of my arm. "

Power loader " We don't need to cause I just finished building one. "

Everyone looked to see Power loader walk into the classroom :

( couldn't find a genderbend of power loader so use imagination )

Power loader " Nothing else is tied to the repair function so here. "

Power loader took out a device and pressed a couple buttons reactivating Y/n's repair functions, as soon as she did Y/n's left arm powered up and latched itself back onto Y/n's shoulder but then fell off.

Y/n " Oh for fuck sake the device disabling my functions is in the way of my arm reattaching. "

Then the device moved deeper into Y/n's body and then his arm successfully reattached itself.

Y/n " There we go that feels much better. "

Mei " How many features does your suit have? "

Y/n " Ask Power loader. "

Power loader " Here. "

She presses more buttons and a holographic screen appears with a counter, the numbers rise and don't stop even when it goes above 200, 300, 400 then stops at 1,000.

Y/n " Hmm I thought I put in more than that. "

Katsumi " How did you get all those features in there? "

Y/n " Well when you are told you only have a couple months to live you put all your energy into building the best suit to keep you alive. Anyway you're gonna have to put up with me for a while so any questions you have ask me now? "

Jiro " Yeah I have one why join the villains? "

Y/n " To show UA that they really fucked up big time. "

Mineta " Are you actually dating that villain? "

Y/n " Yeah I'm dating Tamari. "

??? " But why? "

Y/n " Who are you? "

Y/n " Who are you? "

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