17. Just another day at the Office

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Luke's POV

Zack was right. It was illegal to trespass, but I didn't care anymore. Well, a mixture of that, boredom and eagerness to find out what this new case was about. I looked around Nick's house, hoping to find something that would assist us in getting into the ZPD. Eventually, I found a collection of maps in an old draw. I pulled them all out and eventually found a schematic to the ZPD.

I went downstairs into the living room where Zack was sat on the sofa playing a game on his phone.

"I found a map." I said, showing him the dusty schematic. I sat down and looked through it.

"Found anything?" Zack asked, putting his phone away.

"We can use the vent system," I replied. "If we follow it until we get here, we'll be right above the briefing room."

I pointed to the points of interest, showing Zack the route.

"And no-one will see us?" He asked.

"Not unless they crawl around in the vent system." I replied.

"Right, let's go then," He replied. "If we're quick we won't miss the briefing."

I grabbed my hoodie and put it on. It was cold that day. Weirdly cold. I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. We both went outside before I closed and re-locked the door. We then started making our way towards the ZPD. We went down lots of different streets, passing a multitude of different shops and houses as we did so. Then, we were there. The ZPD.

"That's the building?" Zack asked. He looked a little worried.

"Yep," I replied. "It's not as scary as it looks. It's basically empty on the inside."

We both made our way towards it. I pulled the schematic out from my pocket, looking at where the vents started. We circled the building for a while, looking for a way in. Eventually, I found one.

"There." I said, pointing to a large vent cover.

"Will we fit? I mean, we're like six feet tall." Zack said.

"Sure we'll fit, those vents are huge." I replied. We made our way over to the vents and started tugging at the cover. I pulled hard, which made the cover come off along with some dust and rubble.

"Since when did you get so strong?" Zack asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "Maybe it's because I started working out a while ago."

"I thought you stopped because it got too difficult?" Zack asked.

"I did, then I started again." I replied, pulling myself up into the vent. When I was inside, I helped Zack up as he was having slightly more trouble than I was. When we were both inside, we crawled along the vents until we came to a crossways. I looked at the map.

"This way." I said, pointing to the left. We kept crawling until we could smell something.

"Doughnuts." Zack said, taking in a big whiff.

"Let's not drool over food, we need to get to that briefing." I said, yanking at his shirt, forcing him to keep following me. We both continued down the vents until I heard something off to my right.

"...morning everyone. We got a serious case in today," A deep, gravely voice said. We slowly crept towards the vent cover and sure enough, we were above the meeting room. "On your debriefs you will see that we have had reports of thefts around Zootopia."

"Thefts?" I whispered.

"Like the machine." Zack whispered back. I looked on in intrigue.

"Sir, this case file's practically empty." I heard Nick's voice say.

"What do you want me to do, Wilde? Cast up a spell and magically make more information pop into it?" The other voice snapped.

"Well no, but-" Nick protested.

"Then shut up." The voice bellowed. I leaned forwards to get a better view. I could see Nick at the front sat next to Judy. At the very front of the room was a Buffalo with glasses on.

"These are the locations of the known thefts," He continued, pointing to a bulletin board with 5 pins on it. "The only relation we know between these locations is that they are all government based facilities, meaning that whoever is stealing these items must be planning to sell them."

"Why would they do that?" I whispered.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Zack replied a little too loudly. Everyone in the room below us looked up towards the vent. We shot back, hoping they hadn't seen us.

"What was that?" The buffalo asked.

"I don't know sir, it was probably just air from the vent." A new voice replied.

"Right.." The buffalo said suspiciously.

Shit I thought.

"What do we do now?" I whispered quieter.

"We'll just hope that none of them saw us. We got what we wanted to hear, now let's book it out of here." Zack whispered.

"WHO'S THERE?" The buffalo beckoned. We were stunned to complete silence.

"Sir, it's just air." A voice said.

"Shut it, I know a voice when I hear one." The buffalo replied. "If you don't come out within five seconds, we'll lock this place down."

We still didn't say a word.

"Five," He said.

We didn't do anything.


Still, we did nothing.


I decided to look slightly back up towards the vent. I didn't realise that when I did, I was almost eye to eye with the Buffalo. I screamed, shooting up and banging my head on the top of the vent with so much power that I was knocked out cold.

Zack's POV

Well that's just fantastic I thought. Luke's knocked himself out and I'm stuck behind him.

"There you are," The buffalo said, opening the vent and carrying Luke down. "Now where's your accomplice?"

I gulped. The buffalo's head slowly appeared in the vent. We both stared at each other for a moment. He reached one of his hoofs out and grabbed me by the collar. I struggled to get free of his grasp as he pulled be down and tossed my onto a table in the room below. I looked up to see Nick looking at me as if to say 'Kid, what have you done?'

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