24. Captured

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Luke's POV

"You.." I spat.

"Miss me?" Lambert asked.

"Over my dead body." I replied, getting up and brushing myself off.

"I wouldn't try doing anything too harmful now, eh old pal?" Lambert said.

"I am not your 'pal'." I barked, coming towards him. Then, I felt a paw clench around my neck.

"I told you." He replied.

"You seem to have underestimated something." I said.

"What's that hot shot?" Lambert asked, picking at his nails.

"I've gotten stronger." I said, throwing a punch in his direction. Unfortunately, it didn't do what I wanted it to do. All that happened was his nose started bleeding.

"Wow, you managed to break my nose," He replied sarcastically, holding a handkerchief to it. "How powerful of you."

"If it wasn't for this restraint, I would have you by the neck!" I roared.

"Would you now?" He replied. "Take him away."

Immediately, I was dragged backwards by the guard holding my neck. I was taken through many hallways until we finally reached a room with a big cell in it. The guard opened the door and chucked me inside. I scrambled to my feet and rushed towards the door, which was closed just before I could get out.

"What are you gonna do with me this time, huh?" I asked as Lambert came into the room.

"About the same as we did last time," He replied. "Extract your blood until we get the machine to work so we can cross over into your world and take it."

"You won't get very far in doing that." I said.

"Why's that?" Lambert asked.

"Because you'll turn into my kind. You'll be as weak as everyone else. You won't get anything." I replied, standing right up against the window. Lambert pondered for a moment.

"We'll see about that," He replied, looking at the pocket watch. "What is this thing anyway?"

"That is mine. It's none of your business what it does." I replied bitterly.

"Really? I'm sure Simon will enjoy looking after that then," He replied. He whistled for a guard to come over, which one promptly did. "Take this to Simon, will you?"

The guard took the watch and went out of the room.

"So Luke, how've you kept for these past two years?" Lambert asked, pulling a chair up to a part of the cell with holes punched in it so people could speak through it.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, sitting down on the other side of the window.

"I'm just trying to be nice, there's no need to be defensive." He replied. I sighed.

"It's been fine, I guess," I replied. "What about you?"

"Well, I've been spending the past eighteen months in prison thanks to you." He replied.

"You deserved it." I shot back.

"You may think that, Luke, but all I was trying to do was to help the progress of science." He replied.

"By creating a machine that bridged two worlds? Sure.." I replied sarcastically. Suddenly, Lambert's radio buzzed to life.

"Sir, we need you in Cell B6. We've got some.. rowdy guests." It said.

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