29. Meeting with Madge

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Luke's POV

After pulling our new clothes on, we went back downstairs to find Nick watching TV.

"You didn't do anything silly in there, did you?" He asked as we sat down.

"No." I replied.

"Good." He replied, turning back to the TV.

"Do you have a phone book I can borrow?" I asked.

"Probably. Why?" He asked.

"I just want to call someone." I replied.

"Who?" He asked.

"D-doctor Madge." I replied.

"Another one of those ZIA doctors? Are you nuts?" He asked, turning back to me.

"No, Madge was a good doctor. She can help us get home." I replied. Nick look over at a pile of old books.

"It's in there." He said, pointing to it.

Zack went over to the pile, his bushy tail swishing around as he did so. He bent down and started looking through the books until he pulled one out. He came back over to me who had a phone in paw.

"Roberts?" He asked.

"No, Madge." I replied.

"Wickham?" He asked. I looked at him in that way that people do when they want people to stop annoying them.

"Maaaadge." I replied, slowly. Zack flipped through the book for a moment until he put his finger on something.

"Here, Madge." He said. I looked at the book and tapped the number into the phone. Then, I pressed dial. The phone rang for a few moments before someone picked up.

"Hello?" The unmistakeable voice of Madge said.

"Hello, is this Doctor Madge?" I asked.

"The very same," She replied. "Why? Is this some ZIA thing again?"

"Not exactly." I replied.

"Well then what is it?" She asked.

"Madge, do you remember someone called Luke?" I asked.

"Luke... let me see.." She pondered. "Yes, I do remember someone called Luke. The human, right?"

"Yes, that's him." I said.

"Why? Has something come up about him?" She asked.

"Sort of." I replied.

"Wait," Madge said. "Who even is this?"

"It's me," I replied. "It's Luke."

"Really?" She asked. She clearly couldn't quite believe it. "What can I do for you?"

"I need you to help me and my friend Zack get home." I replied. Madge gasped.

"You're in luck! Come to my Warehouse, just off the Witty Arson Bridge. The Industrial Estate. Nicholas will show you where it is, he used to own a place down there." She replied.

"Alright, see you in a minute I guess." I said, hanging up.

"Well?" Zack asked.

"We need to go to a Warehouse in Haymarket. She says we're in luck." I replied.

"Which one? There's at least half a dozen down there." Nick said.

"She says you'll know where to go." I replied.

"How?" He asked.

"You used to own a place down there." I replied.

"She... remembers that?" He asked, bemused.

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