Chapter Ten: Crying on a Rooftop

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Chapter Ten: Crying on a Rooftop

I sat at the bar in the Roxy watching my boys play, they took a break and C.C. came and sat beside me he got a beer, and looked at me "How are you liking the show?" He asked quietly. I smiled "You guys are doing great" I said, he sighed "Yeah. Great" he mumbled, and drunk his beer, I didn't know his gaze was on my ring or I would have said something.
I saw Bret and went and jumped on his back, he laughed and spun me around. He smiled "How did we do?" He asked, I smiled "Great! I loved it!" I yelled, he smiled. We were engaged for five days officially now it was January 1986, and I was happily in love, Bret hasn't cheated for almost a month now. He was being a happy regular boyfriend like he was when we started out.
"Hey, can we talk in private?" He asked, I nodded and he grabbed my hand he pulled me to a room in the Roxy, and we sat down on the bed and started talking about the band, and new songs.
He kissed me, and I kissed back, I was really enjoying him but when he started trying to raise my shirt up I pushed him back a little "Bret, what the hell are you doing?" I asked, he looked at me "I figured-" I stood up and looked down at him "I promised my mom that I would wait until I am married-" I stopped, it clicked "You only proposed to me because you wanted to fool around. You didn't want to marry me" I said, and blinked away a tear that almost fell.
He lowered his head, but as I walked away he jerked my arm back and I fell onto the bed, I punched his chest and yelled at the top of my lungs, I yelled and screamed for Bobby or Rikki. Bret put a hand over my mouth "Babe-"
He didn't finish.
The door bust open, and hands jerked Bret away from me, a pair of hands grabbed me by the shoulders and made me stand up, I put my head on the shoulder of Bobby's leather jacket and looked up, he was looking at Bret with this glare, I turned and saw C.C. had his hands around the collar of Brets jacket, his hands were in fist.
Rikki came running in, he looked from C.C. and Bret, to me and Bobby, he sighed and said loudly "Now you have done it Bret, What did you do now?"
I sniffed "Bret Michael's" I said, he looked up at me with sadness "I'm sorry baby-" he tried, I shook my head "Rikki is right, I can't do this anymore, for almost four years we have had a relationship, I was fallen for you, but now a fake proposal has finally made me see, you aren't going to change" I said, and slowly pulled the ring off of my finger "Bret. We are over" I whispered.
Rikki and Bobby were frozen looking at us, C.C. had his arms crossed looking at Bret, I threw the ring at him, he caught it "Give it to one of your hookers."
And with that I went to the door and walked out, I ran all the way to the apartment, slamming the door I went and got the Jack Daniels out of the fridge, and then ran up to the rooftop, throwing off my Jean jacket behind me, then kicking my heels off, I took my hat off, and took my hair down and when I was on the roof I was in my blue jeans, a white tank top and barefoot with my black and blonde hair let down, blowing in the wind.
I yelled out "Is this what you wanted? For me to fall in love with you, then you break my heart?!" I cried "Well screw you Bret Michael's!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I took a swig of the whiskey, and went and stood up on the edge of the roof, I looked down off the side and towards the road I saw C.C. talking with four guys I yelled "Hey C.C.! Want to make a hate Bret band?!"
He looked up and he yelled "Amelia get your ass down from there!" And he ran away from the guys, I laughed and shook my head taking a swing of Jack D. I walked along the edge and almost fell. Twice.
"Mel!" He yelled as he came up and through the door, I looked back and my foot slipped, I fell and hung onto the edge dropping the Jack Daniels bottle breaking it on the rooftop. He ran towards me.
My hand slipped, and C.C.'s hand grabbed ahold of mine just in time. His blue eyes looked into mine "Mel, hang on. Do whatever you can to boost yourself up, and to the rooftop" he instructed me, I looked up "Please don't let me fall."
He grabbed a hold of my other hand "I won't."
I pushed and he pulled me to get me up on the roof, he finally was able to grab me around my waist and pull me up, he sat Indian style, and with me in his lap, tears we're coming now "I'm sorry, C.C. I am so sorry" I cried.
He had his arms around me holding me to him, and a hand was brushing my hair he sighed "Your okay, that is all that matters, and quit apologizing" he whispered, I heard the creak of a door and C.C. motioned his hand at someone, the door closed and he put his head on my shoulder, letting me snuggle into him. I sniffed "I'm sorry I scared you."
"Apologize one more time and I will throw you over the edge" he said, raising up and looking me in the eyes "I mean it."
I giggled and sniffed "You couldn't act mean, even if you tried" I laughed and wiped tears away.
He moved hair from my face and cuddled me again, I snuggled my head on his shoulder and sighed. As my eyes closed he whispered "Bret didn't need to treat you that way, you deserve better-"
I didn't hear him finish.

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