pChapter Twelve: Another Chance?

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Chapter Twelve: Another Chance?

"Bret, take it and jam it up your arse!" I yelled, slamming down the plate I was holding, it landed on the table with a crash making all four guys cringe, I crossed my arms staring at Bret, Rikki, C.C, and Bobby sat at the table. Rikki sighed "Guys-"
I stormed off and up to the rooftop, thinking to myself that I live with jackasses. I sat near the edge and looked out at the City, I was honestly thinking about the night that C.C. and me we're up here I wonder what he had said to me. I wish I knew it has bothered me a lot. Possibly way more than it should, wait why do I care? C.C. and the others already have women hanging on them every night, now that me and Bret are done they will probably forget about me.
"Don't say that."
I turned around to look at Rikki, he smirked "Your saying your thoughts out loud again Melly, you should quit before someone hears what they arent supposed to" he said, as he sat down beside me and leaned on me, I sighed "Rikki. My life has been screwed up for hears, but now that you guys are on your way, you have to admit you might forget me."
He said nothing then "Why would I forget my baby girl?" He asked. Then tackled me to the ground hugging me, I laughed "Hey! Whats today?" He asked, I looked at him with a confused look as Bobby and C.C. came up to the rooftop with a... cupcake? Oh please don't let them slam it into my face!
But as the guys started singing 'happy birthday Mel Bear' I knew I forgot something. How the hell could I forget my own birthday?! I thought and laughed as I hugged Rikki tighter and the guys sat down Bobby beside me and CC. Right in front of us, I laughed.
I hugged each of them and went to eat my cupcake, it exploded in my face and I screamed, making the three bust out laughing, I threw the wrapper at Bobby who laughed. I looked at them and said "Really? A exploding cupcake?" I glared at them, and Rikki wrapped his arms around me bringing me down by his side hugging me like that. Bobby smiled and took a envelope from his back pocket it and tossed it at me, I caught it and opened it up.
"Are you trying to get me to move?" I asked, holding the plane tickets up, Bobby gave me a look "Them are plane tickets to Alabama so you can see your grandma." I looked at the three and tackled them with hugs, I tackled C.C. last and he laughed "You can take one person with you" Rikki said, Bobby glared "That old woman hates me."
Rikki shrugged "She loves me. So, take C.C." he laughed, C.C. gulped "Should I be scared?" He asked, I rolled my eyes;"Maw Mae don't hurt anybody" I told him "These two are just jackasses." Rikki patted my back "It will get your mind off of Bret, and while your gone I will try and fix Bret me and Bobby will" he said, and got up, C.C. grabbed a napkin from Bobby and wiped off the cupcake, he smirked "Told you guys she is sweet."
I smacked his hand away and cleaned myself up, I punched Bobby as I walked by and got clean clothes from my room, and walked down the Hall to the bathroom. I took a shower and went to get out when I saw Bret standing in front of the mirror doing his hair, I screamed "Bret Michael's, get the hell out! Now!" I yelled at him, he huffed "Amelia I have the right to do my hair."
"In the bathroom. While a girl is here?!" I yelled. And I heard the door open "What the hell Bret?" Bobby asked, and I heard them argue until Bobby got him out of here, I sighed and leaned my back against the tile of the bathtub. Bret Michaels I shouldn't still feel this way still.
Ingot out and got dressed, I went down to the living room and watched tv until the guys came back up front practising.

Bret came up first and sat in a chair beside where I sat on the couch, I was curled up in a blanket and eating ice cream, he looked at me And sighed "I hate not talking to you, I miss you Mel Bear" his voice came out quiet, I stayed silent I looked at my ice cream.
"Could you give me a other chance?"
I looked at him "Another Chance? Bret you tore my heart apart, it's gonna take years before I trust you again" I said, and got up "I'll think about being friends, but boyfriend/girlfriend? Stick it up your ass Bret Michaels."
I walked upstairs and slammed the door to my room, I started packing for Maw Rose's and slammed stuff around, a knock came on the door "Yeah!" I yelled, the door opened to show C.C "Hi" he said, I looked at him, he smiled "I wanted.to know if-" he stopped as I wiped a tear.from my eyes, he came in and closed the door behind him "Whats wrong Melly?" He asked.
I sniffed "Bret, wanting me to be his girlfriend again and...I just don't want to get hurt again" I said, crossing my arms and rubbing them. C.C. came over and grabbed my shoulders "I am going to make this weekend one you won't forget Melly, I love you...like a sister" he added, and bit his lip "Your so nice and sweet, you don't need to be hurt again."
I looked up at him "I uh, thank you" I said quietly, he kissed my cheek "Your beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, babe" he winked and I smiled as he walked out the door and down the hall i looked at my stuff that i need to pack and started on it.
Later on I fell asleep, and didn't even know Rikki came in, I had fallen asleep in the desk chair thinking, Rikki picked me up and put me on the bed then covered me up I woke up once and mumbled "Good night." Then fell back asleep.

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