Basketball with an Ex

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🫣 TW: Swearing, Violence 🫣

It was a huge game day for Hawkins High School's basketball team, the Tigers. They were up against their rivals from Jordan High, a school located an hour or two to the west of Hawkins. The schools had been going head to head ever since Hawkins High School was built in the early 1900s. Everyone on the basketball team had been preparing for this one game the entire season. The locker rooms were pumped just before the game.

"Alright, boys! We have been waiting for this moment all season, and it is finally time for us to kick some falcon asses!" Jason Carver yelled, as he jumped onto one of the benches in the locker room.

A cheer broke out amongst the boys, as they awaited the soon to be captain of the basketball team to say something else.

Jason, Baby Captain, shushed everyone and slid his jersey off. He lifted the shirt into the air, and everyone quickly followed. They began their ritualistic before-game chants. While they were doing so, Steve had re-entered the boy's locker room. He slid through the chanting high schoolers and jumped up onto the bench next to Jason.

"Shut up!" he yelled, and everyone immediately lowered their jerseys and stopped yelling.

Steve tapped Jason's shoulder, and the junior jumped off of the bench, "I appreciate the excitement from you all, but we need to fucking focus. This is an important game that we can not lose. This is our final game of the season. This game will determine whether or not your senior teammates can get some nice ass scholarships, so put your shirts on and finish getting ready."

As soon as Steve jumped down from the bench, everyone immediately shuffled around to get to their lockers. When Steve got to his, he popped it open and fetched his jersey and shorts. He was in the middle of putting his uniform on, when the locker next to him slammed shut. He looked to his side to see Billy Hargrove leaning against the metal locker.

"What's got your panties in a bunch, Hair?" he asks, as he sticks his cigarette in between his lips.

Steve sighs, "Just nervous about the game."

Billy scoffs, "So it has nothing to do with a particular falcon on the other team?"

Steve slips his jersey on and looks at Billy, "Shut up."

Billy chuckles, "I can't believe we are going up against the boy that broke your little, freshman heart."

Steve immediately punches Billy's arm, "Fuck off."

"Alright, alright. I'll let you be." Billy chuckles again, as he walks over to his own locker.

Steve sighs deeply and turns to his locker. Billy was right. He was not nervous for the game, because he was too busy focusing on the fact that he would be going up against the first boy he ever liked. He was pulled from these infuriating thoughts, when it was time for them to enter the gym and get the game started. Steve shook off his nerves and proudly led his team into the school gym. The first thing he saw, when he entered the room, was his new boyfriend, Eddie Munson. For a split second Steve couldn't remember what he was worried about. A smile crept onto his face, when he saw Eddie raise up the sign he had made him. The sign read, "That's my amazing boyfriend and he's about to beat your ass!" The senior laughed as he began warming up the team for the game.

Sweat was dripping off of Steve's face during his final shot before the beginning of the game. He wiped his forehead off, as the ball looped around the hoop and fell into the net. He took one last glance at Eddie, before he's attention was taken by the Falcons entering the gym. His eyes immediately landed on the captain of the basketball team, Jamie Caldwell, as he led his team to the middle of the basketball court. A cheer erupted from the Jordan High side of the gym. The noise was blocked out by the smirk on Jamie's face. Steve's eyes slowly furrowed, as he made eye contact with the boy. Without warning, a whistle blew. Steve was face to face with Jamie for the first Jump Ball of the game.

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