Android's Revenge

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Gohan was warming up, zooming around the training grounds. Vegeta could sense something in the distance. "You." Vegeta spoke, jumping into the air just in time. "Hey there! How are things with you pal?" Vegeta shook his head. "Krillin. You're no match for me, go find Kakarot and fight him instead. Krillin sighed, simply tossing a destructo disc at Vegeta. "I'm going to need the training y'know." Krillin grinned. "This will be quick, earthling." Vegeta announced, rushing at Krillin.

Piccolo came up behind Gohan. "Remember, don't get cocky." Gohan nodded, turning to Piccolo. "I will win this. Trust me." Piccolo nodded. "I've came up with a whole new technique overnight to counter his portals. It will completely cancel it out." Piccolo looked sceptical. "Are you positive?" Gohan sighed. "We don't know the full extent of Android Infinity's...Well..." Gohan paused. "Infinite power." Piccolo nodded. "You've got ten minutes by the way." Piccolo reminded Gohan. "Yeah, I know." Gohan answered as he turned, noticing someone flying through the air. "Is that Vegeta?" Gohan squinted.

Vegeta was sent flying and so was Krillin. "I won't lie to you. I didn't expect anything more." The Second was in the air, staring down Vegeta and Krillin as they were sent flying. The Second rushed towards Vegeta and Krillin, grabbing them and then throwing them to the ground. Vegeta struggled to get up. "What do you want?" Gohan asked. The Second stood, his golden skin gleamed and his red eyes glared into Gohan's. Gohan got into a battle stance. The Second laughed. "I've been pretty bored lately. I've only been fighting eliminated fighters to keep things fair. That's why you haven't seen me in so long." The Second explained. "And now you want a real challenge." Gohan said. The Second nodded.

 Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan and Piccolo rushed him. "Oh come on. Why can't you just push further? Or are you guys limited?" The Second wondered, while absentmindedly dodging attacks from the four. He then spun round, sticking his arm out as his arm slammed into the four and he swung, sending them flying. "Woah!" Gohan shouted. Piccolo began sending a flurry of ki blasts at The Second, who walked through all of them, laughing as he did so. "I'll destroy this entire tournament. Now, which one of you is fighting next?" Gohan spoke up. "I am." He was heavily breathing and bruised. "Ok, you can leave, but first I'll heal you."  Gohan looked confused. "I'll come for you after your match however, depending on how you do." The Second gestured for h Gohan to come forward, as The Second healed him. "Remember, I will find you after your match, so attempting to hide would be futile." The Second laughed, about to brutally beat the other three as The Grand Minister teleported everyone to the arena.

Piccolo, Krillin and Vegeta were absolutely shocked at what had taken place. The Second was lightyears ahead of them in the race to becoming the strongest. "I can't believe this. I forgot all about him. I should've kept my guard up. He could appear and destroy us at any moment, on a whim." Vegeta was clearly frustrated at the brutal reality of the gap in strength between almost everyone in the tournament, and The Second. But Krillin had a different question on his mind. "Who's The First?"

The Grand Minister's eye twitched at this. He looked over at the Omni-Kings. He breathed slightly faster. Piccolo managed to recognise this. "That's a bit random." Piccolo looked back at Krillin, who hadn't noticed. "Did you say The First?" Piccolo asked, looking at The Grand Minister through the corner of his eye. The Grand Minister's expression became far more intense than before somehow. "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" He shouted, alarming the audience, even the Omni-Kings.

"Ok, here I go." Gohan breathed, as an orange light flared. "Show me what you've got! Show me your infinite power!" Android Infinity breathed. "This is my revenge, Son Gohan. I won't let our timeline be ashamed by losing to you twice. This is personal." Android Infinity wasn't here to play games, clearly. The battlefield was the same cave with precious stones like in the last battle. Android Infinity hopped through a portal he made and jumped out from underneath Gohan. "Ok, Ultra Intellect!" Gohan yelled, grabbing Android Infinity's fist. The Android grinned. Gohan's limbs were now in portals, much to Gohan's alarm.

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