Golden tickets?, who is that boy?

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Yn's pov

It's dinner time at the bucket house for all of us and me and charlie watching tv with our grandparents, when a commercial pops up "good evening ladies and gentlemen I am willy wonka, and I am here to proudly announce that I am sending out golden tickets in five of my woka bars for five lucky children yo visit my factory for a tour" willy wonka says as I stare at the screen, 'golden tickets huh?' my eyes shift to a boy standing next to him and I blink in awe and nearly gasp at how breath taking he is, my eyes travel down to his hands and I can see some tattoos on them then they travel slowly back up till the meet his eyes again and I just stare apparently for quite a while cause I don't hear charlie talking to me trying to get my attention "sis?" he says bumping my shoulder snapping me out of my gaze " huh? oh sorry bubu what were you saying charlie?" I ask turning to him "we were talking about the factory and how I want bar of candy for my birthday" he says hopefully as I pull him into a side hug "well it's your birthday next week, I'll see what I can do bubu" I say ruffling his hair making his laugh, "alright you two it's time for bed, you too have school in the morning and I have to go to work" mom says as we both nod helping her take the dishes to the sink washing then and then leaving them to dry, "good night mom" I say kissing her cheek.

"Good night sweetheart" she says kissing the top of my head as I turn to charlie kissing his forehead "good night charlie" I say as he smiles at me "good night sis" he says as I kiss my grandparents on the forhead after charlie and we head our separate ways to our bedrooms climbing up the ladders that I installed myself with charlie and moms help "good night buckets!" charlie leans over the ledge carefully so he doesn't break it or fall over "goodnight charlie good night y'n" our grandparents respond "goodnight" I say climbing into to bed as the candles are blown out the house becoming completely dark, I lay my head on the pillow pulling the covers up looking out the window towards the factory seeing smoke coming out, I immediately start thinking about that boy again he was so handsome and looked like he's very sweet and kind his eyes you could get lost in them his smile can brighten your day and his lips just look so soft and smooth I just want to ki- woah time out what am I saying I don't even know this boy y'n get a hold of yourself I shake my head immediately getting rid of that thought as I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.

The next morning I say goodbye to charlie as he heads off the school in the opposite direction of mine "see you later charlie I love you be careful" I say as I start heading to school myself, when I get there before I can even walk through the doors chad steps in front of me out of nowhere nearly giving me a heart attack "JUMPING JIMINY! god chad you scared the living day lights outta me" I say placing my hand on my chest "what is it? I'm gonna be late for class" I say looking at him "I need you to take care of this stuff for me today" he says handing me a long check list as my eyes widen in disbelief "all of it?" I say looking between him and the list "yep all of it and i need all done by the end of the day" he says as I sigh reading the check list "chad this is literally gonna take up my whole day after school and i have other things to do, can't you do it?" I asks trying to hand his the list back "um no" he says pushing it back to me "that's what your here for that's what girlfriends do, so are you gonna do it? Or do I have to tell my parents and make your precious mother lose her job?" he says smirking as I breath heavily trying to keep my composer "fine I'll do it" I say looking back at the list in defeat my mom needs this job it's our only option left we need to survive.

"Wonderful that's what I thought, really appreciate you y'n, I'll see your later sugar" he says making kissy noises at me "I love you" he says immediately wrapping his arm around someone else "I love you too" I mutter sarcastically as I roll my eyes scoffing heading into to school and going to class.

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