Garden Of Eden

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"Taehyung, don't think I can't see you behind that cupboard," Yoongi the kitchenhelp said, drying the dishes with a stale, unamused expression. "Stop acting like a creep and tell me what you want."

The nineteen-year old butler peeked from behind the cupboard with large, terrified eyes. He swallowed thickly, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks as he revealed himself fully to the kitchenhelp. "Hello."

"It's not like you to spy," Yoongi murmured with squinted eyes. "What's going on with you? You can't miss master Park that much, he's only been gone for a month."

"I... have... I have a question," Taehyung said softly, looking around the kitchen to make sure there was absolutely no one else in the room other than him and the kitchenhelp. "But... it has to be a secret."

"You came to me with a secret?" Yoongi asked, sniggering at an evil tone. "Since when are the two of us friends?"

"We are not, I think," Taehyung said, fumbling with the hem of his shirt quite like a little kid. "But that is why I came to you. I do not care what you think of me."

Yoongi huffed, but he couldn't get mad at the statement. "Alright, spit it out then. You've got me interested now."

Taehyung avoided Yoongi's eyes like the plague and, instead of the calm, relatively self-assured man he usually presented as, now looked like nothing but a shy, stuttering mess. "I... I wanted to ask how it is done between men," the butler said after a while, biting into his lower lip until it began to hurt. "The s-sex."

Nothing could have prepared the butler for the amount of rage he'd accidentally catalysed after uttering those difficult words.

"The fuck are you on about!?" Yoongi yelled, immeadiately giving Taehyung a shove that sent him flying into the glass cupboard doors he was standing behind. "You know what? I knew having a person like you in this house was strange. You a pervert or what? The fuck is it to you what we do in the bedroom, you prick!? Think you can sit there and judge us? Think you can pretend you're better than us? You're fucking outnumbered in here pal!"

"P-please I am s-sorry, p-please," Taehyung cried, seeing double after his harsh fall into the cubbart. Shards of glass pierced his arm in different places, and his nasty wounds bled streams of crimson red. "I want no trouble, please, I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry!"

Yoongi blinked at the shattered glass and the growing bloodstains on Taehyung's shirt, his anger suddenly pulling away like the clouds on a sunny day. "Shit," he cursed under his breath. "Fuck, I didn't-- I didn't mean to do that..."

Taehyung winced away when Yoongi tried to come to his aid. "I'm not-- I-I'm not-- a man w-who can l-love women," the boy sobbed as he tried to make himself as small as possible. "I am wrong, n-no? I am a p-pervert?"

"What? W-what are you talking about? That isn't-- but you never--" Yoongi's eyes fluttered with the realisation of what he'd done, guilt crashing down on him with a terrible, terrible weight. He hurried to wet his drying towel and crouched down before the crying butler, doing his best to clean the boy's painful wounds as carefully as he could.

Taehyung sniffed and trembled, beyond distraught by what had happened.

"One day when I was fifteen, a group of older kids asked me the same question you did," Yoongi said, carefully picking pieces of broken glass from Taehyung's arm. "They beat me to a pulp afterwards..."

Taehyung wiped his runny nose, his face red and shiny with tears. "I w-was not g-going to beat you."

"I know that, idiot." Yoongi frowned at the pain he'd caused the young man and shook his head at himself. "You're sure?" He asked after a moment of silence. "About you being... about--"

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