The First Night of School

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Kyoudai's POV:

I yawned as I slipped out of the shower. Nothing like a hot bath in the afternoon..

"I'm soooooo tired..." I yawned again as I plopped down on the couch.

"Given what happened last night, I wouldn't be surprised." Zero muttered from across the room, tying his tie.

Zero and I have been awkward since last night, we hadn't really talked about it at all. I'm pretty sure that we did like it but....just thinking about it...

"Yeah," I mumbled closing my eyes. Then, I gasped and sat up. "Wait! What if the Night Class smelled the blood?!?" I panicked.

"They wouldn't care, it's normal for them." Zero mumbled, sliding his gun into the case hidden under his jacket. I sighed and plopped back down on the couch.

 "We have to leave in 5 minutes." Zero said, sitting on the couch across from me. I layed my arm across of eyes.

"I don't wanna go, I'm too tired." I murmured. Then, I heard a knock at the door and I got up and opened it.

It was Yuki. "We have to wait at the gate, so let's go."

I yawned and pulled Zero up from the couch, then we followed Yuki out to the Moon Dorm gate. I covered my ears, I could hear millions of screams, most of them for Hanabusa.

"I wonder if Hakumei can handle it..." I said to Zero.

He shook his head. "I doubt it..."

Then, with a giant "creak", the gate shoved open. I was surprised to see that the girls had lined up as usual, Hakumei blocking them from moving.

"Hello girls! You all look perfect and glowing as usual!" Aido exclaimed and the fan-girls screamed, some of them even fainted. I sighed, what an idiot as usual...

Then, when Zero and I walked past them, I heard many gasps and murmurs.

"Is that Kiryu-Kun and Itazuki-San?!?"

"How did they get into the Night Class?!? I mean, I heard the Night Class has hard entrance exams."

"I guess in the Night Class uniform, they're gleaming. I guess Kiryu is sort of cute."

I turned to glare at the girl who said that and she immediately shrunk back. After we past all of the girls, I turned and waved to Hakumei and she waved back, smiling.


"Wake up! Wake up, Kyou!" I heard someone shout. I looked up to see Zero shaking me awake.

"Huh? What..." I yawned, stretching my arms out. I looked around, I was still in the classroom.

"You fell asleep during Economics and Math, it's break time and you have to go to the Music room so Sensei can teach you." He explained and I stood up.

"Okay." I yawned again and I picked up my guitar and books and headed out to the Music room.

"I'll be waiting outside the door when my class has ended." Zero shouted to me as I walked away. "Don't worry, I won't cause trouble, I'll take a nap."

I smiled and continued to walk down the hall. When I opened the auditorium, the same shrieking sound came and I sank to my knees again.

"You're late, do you think I want to stay here so late at night?" I heard Sensei say as the sound stopped.

"Sorry," I spat. "I was asleep."

He sighed as I jumped on to the auditorium stage. "Well, next time be on time."

I sat on the chair and got my guitar out of its case.

"Have you heard of the new epidemic at the Hunter's Association?" Sensei asked as I tuned my guitar.

"No, what about it?"

"Well, apparently, three purebloods in a row have been killed. And every wittness they send is also murdered. Of course, they can't do anything about it but, without the purebloods, the Vampire Council can't be at peace." He explained and I froze for a second. What trouble have I gotten myself into?

I shook that thought away and shrugged. "I hope they find who did it."

"Anyways, since you have finished all of the songs, it's time you learn the ultimate technique: Sakura no nenshō, or 'Burning of Cherry Blossoms'."

"Sakura no nenshō?" I wondered. "What does it do?"

"It can instantly heal and wounds you have and can wipe out a group of vampires in a flash." He continued. "But, you have to connect with your guitar to use it. First Stage: You must figure out its name."

My eyes widened. "Wait, I have to connect with a guitar?!?"

Sensei nodded. "You must put all your trust into that guitar, do not treat it as a weapon, you must treat it as a partner. Once you gain connection, it will give you its name in return."

My mouth hung wide open, was this guy on crack? It is a weapon, how can I connect with it?

"Umm, how do I connect with it?!?" I mumbled.

Sensei smiled. "If you completely trust it, you must give it your blood. But, if you don't, the connection will not work."

"Give it my blood? How do I do that?" I asked, peering down at my guitar. Sensei grabbed my hand and layed it on top of the familar crest. I watched as the crest glowed red and I felt it prick my hand and my blood flowed out, filling the creases in the crest.

It's just a guitar for crying out loud? How can it do this?!?

Suddenly, I felt immense pain and I screamed in agony. Sensei's shook his head and yanked my hand back. The pattern on the guitar turned back to normal and I examined my hand.

A huge scar in the shape of my tattoo decorated my hand.

"What the hell?!?" I shouted, shaking my my hand back and forth.

Sensei sighed. "You didn't believe in it, so it rejected your blood. To put it in simply: YOU ARE AN IDIOT."

I narrowed my eyes. "Thanks." I growled as I zipped my guitar back into its case.

I stood up and walked towards the door. "We'll try some other time, meanwhile, don't come until you trust your guitar!" Sensei shouted as I slammed the door shut.

I looked at my watch and sighed. 10 minutes until the Civics class ends. I leaned against the stone wall and closed my eyes.

"My life just gets worse and worse."

The Pureblood Assassin (Sequel to Zero & Kyoudai!)Where stories live. Discover now