[ jax ; outnumbered # ]

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y/ns gender : female (actually important to plot 😭)
genre : fluff
requested via messages !
[ this oneshot is inspired by an image that the person request saw on pinterest !
they explained about how pomni joined and kaufmo abstracted, there is more girls than boys,
tho i haven't seen the image, it sounds fun to write a oneshot where jax complains 😭 ]

[ y/ns pov ]

jax groans in annoyance while entering the area, i raise an eyebrow in question if his behavior.

"what's wrong with you ?" zooble asked with an edgy-teenager tone.

"haven't you noticed ?" jax said, "look around at everybody ? you'll see," he followed up.

we all looked around at each other.

currently, almost everyone was in the area, all except moon, sun, caine, and bubble.
but zooble, kinger, gangle, ragatha, jax, pomni, and me are here.

"uhh..what ?" pomni questioned in confusion.

"y-yea ?..i don't see anything," gangle said, sniffling, at the moment gangles a little upset over her still broken mask.

"look !" jax exclaimed, "now that kaufmo abstracted and pomni joined..look at the outnumber of guys ! it's just me and kinger," he continued.

"what about caine ?" i asked.

"well, yea- but !-"

"also bubbles a guy," i added.

"alright but their never here," jax replied with a stern face, crossing his arms.

"why does it matter ?" ragatha said, tilting her head.

"i'm outnumbered !" he threw his arms in the air. making me, ragatha, and pomni exchange looks and giggle.

"who cares ? it's not like we're having gender wars or anything ?" zooble rolled her eyes.

"uh-huhhh... girls allwayyys team up together, you guys always have each others backs ! so clearly it's not fair," he argued.

"hmm..but you're a bully anyways, we have to have each others backs around you," ragatha said, making me giggle in agreement.

jax heavily sighed, tossing his head back.

"we better get a new member soon and they better be a guy," he says while walking off.

he left the area and left us all to ourselves. once he's gone we all burst out laughing, expect for kinger, he wasn't paying attention.
i mean even gangle and zooble was snickering, which means you know it's funny !

"i guess we do team up a lot, huh," ragatha chuckles.

"yeah, but it's not because we're girls, we stick up for each other because usually jax is the one causing the problems, y'know, like you said," i commented with a grin, and we all agreed on that part.

"jax is mad because he's surrounded by girls, that's hilarious," zooble hummed, leaning back in her spot.

. . .

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