[ bubble ; crybaby 🫧 ] - PLATONIC !!

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[ ⚠️ y/n is a child !! ⚠️ ]
ermm..anyways 🌚

readers gender : any !
readers age : around the age of 4-7
genre : fluff (and platonic) !!
enjoy !! 😼🫶

[ 3rd person pov ] ..i think ?

in this amazing-..one of a kind !- digital circus..    a child..
finds themselves in a place they cannot recognize.

heck ! they cant even recognize themselves ! that must be stressful, you'd think. and it is !!

. . .

but what do kids do when they are stressed out ??
they cry.

not everyone was aware that a new member had surfaced into this colorful world, that was until they heard the wailing and sobbing cries of a little child, echoing far and long through the large circus tent.

everyone gathering near, some annoyed at the tearful shouts, some curious and pitiful, and some even a little excited for a new member.

"can someone get this kid to shut up ?" jax groans, covering his ears.

"yeah..i hate to say it, but i agree with jax, someone stop this kids crying," zooble, closing her eyes, and bringing her hand to where her nose is suppose to be, as if a headache was forming..but i get it. nobody wants their peace and quietness to be ruined by loud sobs.

"oh dear !" caine says, floating over to child, who held their hands to their face, covering their eyes in absolute fear.

the man with a red suit and different color eyes tried his best to entertain and distract the kid so they could stop their wails, but to no avail.

the kid looked around, quieting down just a bit, now the sobs could be heard at a more normal sound.
but the kid was still crying, even when it wasn't as loud.

"jeez..what a crybaby," jax rolled his eyes.
"they're just a kid jax !..i feel so bad.." ragatha exclaims in the beginning, but then puts her hand over her mouth while turning back to the frightful kid.

while everyone was whispering amongst one another, something happened that started them all.
the kid had fell, right on their butt. and they didn't do it because they were throwing a tantrum, or because they could even stand anymore because of their energy being wasted on tears.
but it was rather because they were surprised and quickly taken aback when a strange floating thing appeared in front of them.
a bubble
with sharp teeth.
and back eyes.
grinning very widely.

the kid looks terrified at first, as the bubble came closer, the child scooted away.

"bubble ! leave the poor child alone ! why just look at them !" caine exclaimed, getting a little salty over the transparent bubble. the man who had teeth for a head felt some pity for the kid. maybe it's because he was programmed to feel this way when someone is crying..because it's definitely not very like him to understand !
he is a.i after all.. he could've been programmed to feel sympathy to crying kids.

who knows.

but the bubble was still curious. loving the idea of a new person in the circus.

the bubble ignored the man, and smiled wider at them, his sharp teeth shining.

surprisingly, the scary grin didn't make the child cry more- in fact it made them quiet down !..strange ??

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