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Chan was really nervous but Yeonhee was excited to interview this couple. 

When the couple entered and were comfortable Yeonhee asked them 

Yeonhee: Could you introduce yourselves?

SEOKSOO: Why not? I am Lee Seokmin and this angel is my husband.

Chan: aww so cute.

Yeonhee: Do you guys have nicknames for each other?

Chan: Nicknames you call each other

Jisoo: He just calls me Shua Hyung and I guess that's pretty cute for me

Yeonhee: Shua?

Seokmin: he is from LA so he has an English name

Yeonhee: that's like so cute what about Mr. Lee? What do you call him?

Seokmin: He calls me sunshine because he told me I remind him of sunshine

Chan: Awwwww isn't that so cute and when you first met who confessed first?

Yeonhee: Our viewers would love to know that too

Seokmin: I confessed first cause I was afraid others would steal him

Jisoo: He confessed in a coffee shop with full tension I thought he was cute.

Yeonhee: Arent you both such a lovely couple

Chan: we can't wait to see your chemistry and thank you.

SEOKSOO: it's alright the pleasure is ours to be in this show

"2 down 4 more to go", Chan sighed.

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