4: Baby I'm right here

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"I would love to walk you home but, where do you live?" I giggled, almost tripping over my own feet in the meantime.

Harry looked around confused, taking in the settings around him. St. Josephs street, first house so it's like a thirty minute walk from here." He reached for my hand and I didn't hesitate to hold his.

"You, you know... I'm even more funny when I'm sober!" I called out to the pretty boy next to me, looking at him.

It was still dark outside, the dim light of the streetlights not showing as much brightness as his eyes did.

He showed me a big smile. "I like to believe that! We should totally hang out more often, hadn't had this much fun in a while."

I hummed, agreeing. I thought it, he said it. It was like I got a major confidence boost since that second shot of tequila I took after he insisted on paying for all our drinks tonight, which I refused at first but soon gave in.

We made some more horrible jokes and talked about things I was sure as hell gonna regret later, but it surely didn't stop me from telling a lot of my life to this complete well not as much anymore of a stranger.

It was all good and fun, until that dumbass next to me started to sway, right in front of his house.

"L-louis, I'm gonna puke-"

"Oh shit." Before I knew it he emptied the insides of his stomach and couldn't regain his balance, falling forward.

I reached out to get a hold of his arm or anything I could manage to get, but it was too late.

Harry felt face flat onto the sidewalk, his arm somewhat catching his body, but without luck.

I seemed to sober up at seeing the fall, completely going into doctor mode.

"Harry, are you alright?" I knelt down next to him.

He groaned and tilted his head to the side. "My head hurts." He croaked out, tears in his eyes from probably the shock, pain and alcohol all at once.

I sighed and looked at his state before handling. "Alright Hazz, does is hurt anywhere else?" He pouted. "My arm," he sniffled and I genuinely felt bad for him at that moment.

He started gagging so I quickly moved his body, carefully slipping his arm from under his body and rolling him onto his side, letting him puke until he was done, my hand on his shoulder for support.

'He probably has a concussion and a broken wrist, Louis do something!' I said to myself and looked at the boy's fragile state.

"Harry I'm going to get you to the hospital, keep your eyes open please, can you do that love?" I didn't mind the nickname slipping, it was out before I even thought of it.

He struggled to keep his eyes open but hummed and pointed to his jeans pocket with his good hand. "Car keys."

I understood what he meant and fetched them before carefully lifting him up, the boy whining in pain. "Shh it's alright, gonna help ya."

I slowly made my way to his house and noticed two cars, pressing on the key button to see which was his.

I lifted him into the backseat of the black Volkswagen and seated myself into the drivers seat, starting the engine and quickly making our way to the hospital, which was luckily close by.

I knew I shouldn't be driving, having way too much alcohol in my system and if we were to be pulled over I could lose my job, but this boy needed help and I wanted, no needed to help him.

"We're almost there love, hold on yea?" I heard him sniffle and a small 'yes' from the backseat.

We soon arrived there and I again lifted him out of the car and into my arms.

"Some help please, my friend is hurt!" I walked into the emergency room and everyone looked up in shock, hearing my voice and seeing me.

"Doctor Tomlinson?" Lisa, one of the nurses walked over to me.

"The one and only, now help my friend. He's stable, is drunk and hit his head and arm on the street, wrist is from what I can see broken and I believe he has a mild concussion, get a CT scan ready, xrays done and give him a drip with some nausea and pain meds, I had some drinks myself so can't do it myself." I stated, knowing no one could even talk back at me.

"Yes Dr. Tomlinson!" The people nearby spoke and all got into action, me laying down Harry on a stretcher.

"Should I call anyone, hazz?"

Harry looked at me with droopy eyes. "No, just stay, please?" He looked so vulnerable, so upset but still so beautiful, even with a somewhat sober state of mind he was gorgeous to me.

"Of course, they gonna run some tests but I will be waiting for you when you're done, yeah?"

He nodded and reached for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"You really are a hero."



I'm sorry I didn't update sooner, was spending the weekend at my boyfriend his place, had a blast!

Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

More coming soon, as well as for the other stories!

All the love!


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