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The door opens and the light shines brightly. She covers her eyes and steps in, finally lets her hand go and watches the lights that is surrounding the roof. A bench in between the rooftop and a few lovely plants planted by the corners. It was a beautiful sight. A sight that she had never seen after her grandmother died and a sight she was desperate to see when she came to Pakistan.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..... it's beautiful."

"I know right."

She whispers to him.

"Are we allowed to come here doh?"

"Yeah don't worry. I'm the one who arranged all of this. It's my hideout you can say."

"Ahh I see."

"I'm happy that you liked it too."

"Yeah loved it."

He points at the bench and tells her to sit down and enjoy. They both settle down on each corner of the bench and look at the sky. The position was good because they could see a lot of stars in the sky shining brightly.

"It is very beautiful in the morning too but the night just hits different."

"It does."

He looks at her and noticed a drop of tear rolling down her face. Unconsciously he wipes the tear off her face which actually surprises her.

"What was that for?"

"Ah sorry it's just I saw a tear so I just without thinking wiped it off. I'm really sorry."

She looks at him apologizing and without herself knowing she started laughing out loud.

"You are so adorable."


"I forgive you so stop apologizing."

"You scared me right there. I thought you were gonna slap me."

"Why would I do such things?"

"I don't know maybe because you don't want to be touched by a man."

"Yeah if you didn't had a reason like that I would have already slapped you."

"See I knew it."

"But I didn't so calm down."

"You would have."

Both of them look up to the sky and breathe deeply. Feeling the wind, eyes on the sky and slowly slowly their pinky fingers rubs each others which make them look down the sky. He glances at her while she looks straight to the buildings.

"Well I wanted to ask if you were okay?"


"In the morning I saw the guy trying to kiss you."

She pulls her hand to herself and cross her arm around.

"You saw that?"

"Yes sorry."

"No need to apologize. He failed miserably doh."

"He did?"

"Yeah I mean I know I'm pretty but I don't kiss people i don't like."

"You sound experienced?"

"I'm not. Didn't have my first kiss yet."



"We both have problem because we have a good looking face."

She turns to look at him and start laughing.

Mashallah, my loveWhere stories live. Discover now