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Hashim's POV
She is avoiding me for sure. But it's still cute that I can't tell her to stop it. Whenever she sees me coming from a side she runs to the opposite side. And during lunch time she literally sprints out of the class to go to the canteen just to avoid running into me. It's been very cute but I'm tired now.

"Look over there."

"What is it Rahul stop hitting me?"

"There she goes again."

I look up to what he has been staring at for the past 20mins to find Maha running while looking back.

"That's it."

I stood up and start chasing her. As if she sensed it she sprints with all her force towards the library.

"Now you can't run from me."

I open the door and look around the library trying to find her as quick as possible. I stumble across a book on the floor while picking it up I notice a white scraf at the last row of the library. I walk slowly knowing she has no other place to slip through since the other side of the row is blocked.

"Princess I forgot to tell you but avoiding me means you want me to come to you instead."

"Don't come close."

"Why princess? You are the one who ran away from me and now you are ordering me."

"I'm not j-just don't come closer."

I'm almost there when her tiny hands make a stop sigh in front of my face. She is still looking at the other side, showing her hand to tell me not to come any closer. But I won't listen to her, I let her avoid me for the past few days but I've had enough now.

"What's this now?"

"Stop right there."

"Why are you avoiding me, Princess?"

"S-Stop calling me that."

I grab her hand, slowly putting it down and coming closer.

"Don't touch my hand."

"Didn't you wanted me to touch them?"

"No I didn't."

"Why did you show me your hand then?"

"To stop you from coming towards me."

"Why, princess?"

"Because of you."


She turns and looks at my face, FINALLY. I want to touch her more and more but I stop myself from crossing that line. The line that should not be crossed by anyone especially not by me.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Calling me princess, smirking at me, coming closer to my face. What do you want from me?"

"I never asked for anything. But avoiding me isn't fair here."

"You keep m-making me wanna avoid you."

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