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Theodore's POV.

The sun is shining through the curtains right onto my eyes. I hold back a groan and try to roll over onto my side away from the window and then I register I'm not in my bedroom, and I'm not alone. The thought fully registers and I realize the weight on me is Anthony and the warmth I have on my neck is from him breathing because his face is in my neck. I revel in the warmth he brings me and I end up attempting to pull him closer to me. (Sister please skip, if you do read it never tell me).

I close my eyes deciding to ignore the sun and ultimately deciding to turn my head away from it. After lying there enjoying the warmth, and the comfort from him for awhile, my eyes snap open when he starts kissing my neck, letting me know he's awake. I take in a sharp breath of air and feel him chuckle, probably enjoying the reactions he's causing from me.

"Ant," His name comes out breathy and I can tell it only eggs him on further as he starts suckling on one spot, "Anthony mm."

"Yeah?" he chuckles pressing a kiss to what I assume can only be a hickey.

"W-we should get up," I say trying not to focus on what he's doing to my neck.

"You don't want that," he responds kissing a path to a new spot.

"W-well no, b-but I-I think it would be b-best, ohh," I groan when he bites down a little.

"I don't think so," he responds pulling the neck of my shirt down and sucking on my collarbone.

I'm about to respond when I cut myself off with a moan. I start to feel embarrassed and I feel my cheeks heat up, but he doesn't stop so I feel less embarrassed the heat never leaving my cheeks. One of my hands moves to the back of his head and thread my finfers through his hair, accidentally pulling a little. One of Anthony's hands slips under the sweatshirt I'm wearing and he runs his hands up my chest and stomach. I feel nerves along with something else pooling in my stomach and I know I should stop him before we get too far and I won't want it to stop.

"Ant w-we should stop, I-I don't w-want to go too far," I say breathless, he stops his movements for a second, thinking over what I said and he presses one final kiss to my neck before he pulls away, leaving his hand in my shirt.

"I guess you're right, I just got excited," he says smiling at my flustered face.

I study his face, his cheeks are a little tinged, his pupils are blown so much that you can only see a little ring of green, and his blonde hair is tusseled. God he looks so hot. The thought makes me turn my head so he doesn't see me turn redder. He notices, obviously, and he turns my head back to look at him and he kisses me softly.

"I don't want to stop, b-but I want to wait for anything more than touching," I say once we pull away.

"Okay, I can do that, tell me if we do too much," he says kissing me again, rougher this time.


When it's time for me to go home he drives to McDonald's and buys me my favorite, an M&M mcflurry. Then he drops me off giving me a deep, parting kiss before I walk into the house and he leaves for his own home. While making dinner I can't get my mind off of him and my brain conjures a thought that I try to push away but it's persistent and I realise its right, I love him. I love Anthony Novikov.


Anthony's POV.

I can't keep my mind off of how gorgeous Teddy looked in my bed, how he sounded, and how much I wanted to do so much more to him. His brown curls messed up, his face flushed, his blue eyes blown and cloudy, the bruises forming on his neck, and the feeling of his hot skin on my hand.

When he moaned I swear my brain flipped a switch and I wanted nothing more than to ravage him and get him to cloud nine, but I know it's better to wait and it's not like I'm here for a long time. Such a stupid thought I want to date him for as long as he'll allow me to. So what if that complicates things.

I push away my thoughts and start thinking about my homework, what can I say my boyfriend is changing things for me. My mind reminds me of Teddy and I catch myself smiling. What is happening to me? I decide to push away my thoughts and focus intently on some game before it takes over and I can't stop myself.


Hey baby, I miss you

Teddy Bear ❤

I miss you too Ant, this morning was... Something.


Definitely I hope you enjoyed yourself because I definitely enjoyed you. (I'm winking btw)

I wait and almost think I said something wrong and I'm about to type out an apology when he responds.

Teddy Bear ❤

Yes I enjoyed myself too. Sorry for taking awhile To respond I was embarrassed.


Lol you're okay baby

Teddy Bear ❤

We should do it again it felt really good.


Whatever you want Teddy Bear I'll be down for.

Thinking back to this morning and how we were touching each other in such intimate ways. I never thought that I could be in such a vulnerable state with a man, let alone someone I actually feel for. Finally allowing my thoughts to imagine what it would feel like when we do it for real, if we do it.


Theodore's POV.

I lay back in my bed thinking about Anthony, the boy I love, and as everyone does thinking about him gets me thinking about what the future might hold. Immediately after thinking about a wedding I shut the train if thought down and recall this morning, how soft and gentle, while also a little rough it all was. Just thinking about it makes me blush. I hear my phone buzz, pulling me from my thoughts. Grabbing my phone I check the text.


Hey Aaron and I are staying at his parents for the weekend, Aaron got a call from his Commanding officer. Aaron will be redeployed soon.

Teddy Grahams

Okay I'm sorry Charlie, I know you're going to miss him. I know its going to be hard but you'll have me to rant to and you're getting close with his parents so you'll be able to talk to them about it, you have so many available resources and I'm sure you'll be able to call him and stuff.


I will be able to yeah, and yeah all that other stuff is true it just doesn't make it any less difficult, you know?

Teddy Grahams

Yeah I get it, now get back to your in laws, get close with them, you have all the time in the world to spend with me, and not enough with them. I love you Charlie.


I love you too Teddy Grahams, see you on Sunday.

I turn my phone off and continue day dreaming in bed until I fall alseep and dream of tomorrow, and years in the future tomorrow instead of remembering the past.

Haha whoopsies forgot to upload on Monday!! Sorry :))

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