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Theodore's POV

Tears begin pooling in my eyes as I realize the weight of what has just transpired. I take in Anthony's face, full of anger, shock, embarrassment, and what seems like disgust. My lower lip quivers as I begin shaking, what is he going to do to me? I feel tears begin to leak out of my eyes, I bring my hands up and viciously wipe my tears away.

"You can h-hate me, and-and y-you can bully m-me, but I-I will love y-you through it a-all, but I-I won't j-just let you b-blame me. I-I had nothing to do w-with us being out-outed," I mumble before mustering the courage to turn to leave the gym, wiping my eyes.

I don't spare a glance at his pleading face, instead bringing my eyes to the floor and wiping my face. I walk home in the cold instead of waiting for Charlie, clutching my thin sweatshirt to keep me warm.

When I finally make it home, Charlie is in the kitchen preparing a snack, I assume. My tears have gone away, leaving my face swollen, and my eyes puffy.

"Teddy, is that you?" Charlie calls.

"Y-yeah," I stutter.

"Are you okay?" she asks, I hear her pause what she's doing.

"Uhm n-no, but I-I'll b-be fine," I respond, "I-I'm going to g-go change into pajamas."

"Okay..." Charlie replies clearly unsure of what to do.

I head up to my bedroom closing and locking the door. Barely making it in time before a flood of tears bursts out of me. While my tears are streaming down my face I pull on clothing and climb into my bed. Replaying last night in my head. How sweet Anthony was, well up until Garrett posted pictures of Anthony and I. Just thinking about the moment and the feelings that I probably never will feel again makes my tears fall harder.

After a short while my sobs have calmed down and I hear Charlie open my door. I hear her take a few steps before she kneels next to my bed.

"Teddy? What happened?" she asks softly.

"I-I'm gay," I whimper.

"I know," Charlie reminds me.

"A-Anthony and I w-were dating b-but  o-it was f-fake," I blubber beginning to sob again.

"Oh Teddy," Charlie mumbles climbing on my bed and cradling me.

"I-I love him, a-and he pl-played me," I reveal.

"Everything is going to be okay," Charlie assures.

"Life is s-so fucking h-hard, Charlie," I whimper.

"I know, but you've made it this far, and you've gotten so strong and I know you don't want to hear this, but everything happens for a reason, and yeah I was there and I swear to god if I could go back and actually rip his head off I would," Charlie assures me, again, and I don't doubt her for a second.

"I just wish he didn't react like he did," I sigh before I start hicupping.

"I know Teddy, I know," Charlie mumbles.

"I n-never wanna see him again," I mutter.

"You won't have to, he's never ever going to show his face near you again, if he does I'll ram my foot so far up his ass he'll look like he's been snorting the bottom of a shoe," Charlie promises, her face forming a sneer, "That dick hurt my baby brother no one gets away with that."

I chuckle a little bit, Charlie would one thousand percent do anything to anyone if it meant protecting me. Ever since I came out to Brenda, Charlie has been there to protect me, once Charlie found out Brenda was hitting me Charlie fought like the devil was at her heels to get me out of Brenda's custody.

"I c-can't believe I g-gave him my virginity, i-it was meant t-to be special b-but I did-didn't lose it to s-someone wh-who loved m-me," I stutter.

"Oh Teddy, it's okay, it's okay," Charlie mumbles over and over again in my hair, "Everyone does stupid things with their virginity, I-I mean I lost mine i-in a bathroom, one of those really nasty club bathrooms, so at least you lost yours in a bed, I hope," Charlie reasons, trying to make the situation better.

I nod my head letting her know I did. Then I wrap my arms around her, finally returning her hug. Even though Charlie is my older sister this past year she's turned into my mother, what with saving me from our biological mom and taking guardianship over me.

"I love you Charlie," I mumble.

"I love you too Teddy grahams, so much, so, so much," Charlotte responds.

We stay like that until Charlie absolutely has to return to her cooking. I sit in my bed alone before deciding to go and sit near Charlie, not wanting to be alone with my thoughts. I just quietly observe how she moves around the kitchen with grace whilst she listens to the music pouring from her phone. My sore, swollen eyes begin to droop and I drift off to sleep.


I wake up on monday to sunlight on my face and I know I overslept. Panicked I stumble out of bed and rush to the kitchen. On my way I notice Charlotte in her office and I stop so I can talk to her.

"Charlie I overslept!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, I called you in, you're 'sick'," Charlotte responds.

"You are the best big sister ever I love you," I state hugging her.

"Also if you don't want to go to school this week I won't make you," Charlotte informs.

"Thank you," I whisper tearing up.

Charlotte places her arms over mine, we stay like that for a little while, before my stomach ruins the mood by growling. Charlotte laughs and lets me go make myself breakfast. I kiss her head before I leave her to work.

I sigh when I finish my breakfast and decide to binge watch something on Netflix, I have to do something all week to keep myself busy- aside from crying. I hear my phone buzz and instead of looking at it I power my phone off completely not in the mood to be ridiculed.

After scrolling through my options a show I've never seen before comes up, Disenchantment, deciding I am feeling very related to the title I decide to watch it. Charlie walks into the living room and sees me on the couch, smiles, and then walks to the kitchen.

Soon she emerges with a bowl of popcorn and plops herself down next to me. She grabs a handful of popcorn and shoves it in her mouth.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks once she's finished her handful.

"Don't you have work?" I ask.

"No I finished it, I normally finish early and they don't pay me for overtime so once I'm done, I'm done," Charlie replies, before offering me some popcorn which I gratefully grab.

We both turn back to the show and occaisonally share glances at each other when something funny happens. We get through season one, and then I pause it so I can use the bathroom and Charlie gets up to get more popcorn. Just as I'm about to start it, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it you watch your show," Charlie tells me getting up.

Fun fact: I wrote this chapter first

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