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"Damsel, Heavy on the Distress"

For the past six days, Rue's life has been a montage. It was like living in a sex romp, rom com movie from the early 2000s. Her and Damon drowned themselves in bliss in any way they knew how. The bed, the kitchen counter, the floor, the couch, and managed to have a quickie on the stairs. Anything to run away from their current problems.

Alaric suddenly had a murderous alter ego. Bonnie's been coping with her mother's vampirism and abandonment. Elena is in danger, but of course, what's new? Klaus and his fucked up siblings are a continous pain in their ass. And they've been searching high and low to find a way to kill them.

Luckily they have.

"So the Wickery Bridge is made out of the White Oak Tree?" Rue repeated as she twisted a rubik's cube.

Damon reached over and took the cube, and started twisting it. They both were bare underneath the covers, covered in a thin sheet of sweat, and still breathless from minutes prior.

"Yup! We've sliced it into twelve stakes. Enough for all us to have a chance of killing each and one of them." He raised a brow. "Want in?"

She snatched the cube back. "I have been trained by the best."

In the middle of their sexacapades, Damon's been training her every humanly way possible. From crossbows to wooden bullets, from vervain darts to classic stake to the heart. She's been bruised and worked past her limits, but she at least knew the fundamentals. Rue's more classified than Matt Donovan, and if he's participating, then she's beyond ready.

Damon lazily smiled and hovered above her; his lips ghosted over her chest.

"And you know what else I'm the best at?"

Rue grinned when he sent a heart skipping kiss on her breast.

"If you start something, I'm gonna have to finish it, and then we'll both be late."

"They can wait."

"Let me rephrase it then: Stefan will bust in here and drag both of our asses out of bed. I might tolerate your brother, but I still don't want him to see me naked."

Damon groaned and kissed her deeply. Deep enough to make Rue forget her last name.

She tried not to get caught up in it. If she let her guard down, even once, she could catch feelings. It's not like it was impossible. Damon's charming beyond compare, he's incredibly attractive, and he had a sense of humor that matched her own. Any woman would fall for him.

Rue vowed not to be one of them.

After they both showered and dressed into fresh clothes, they left the Salvatore house at separate times, and made sure to walk in different directions. Rue pulled out her phone as she tread through the woods.

Where are you? — Elena

Almost there. — Rue

She reached Caroline, Elena and Matt, who all shared the same confused expressions. She didn't expect to see Bonnie, knowing her mother left some damage. While she was rolling around with Damon, her friend needed a shoulder to cry on. Just add that onto her guilt list, which was growing day by day.

"Does anyone know the reason behind the cryptic text messages?" Matt wondered. "Being summoned out in the middle of the woods makes me a little suspicious."

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