C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X

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"The Devil's Cure"

Rue's knuckles turned white as she gripped the bathroom sink. Drops of water trails from her hair and down to the tip of her nose. Deep breaths filled her lungs as the cold air hit her wet skin. She wiped the steam off of the mirror, revealing her intense glare.

Silas humiliated her in every way someone could be humiliated. He found her weakness easily. He shut down all of her defenses and left her bare.

Rue took another deep breath. Hot anger flood her chest.

Silas needed to die. And he'll die by her hands.

The next few hours, she was charging through Mystic Falls High's cafeteria with a plate of food she wasn't interested in. Rue quickly sat down next to the girls, cutting their conversation short.

"I have a plan."

"Good afternoon to you, too!" Bonnie quipped.

"Cute. But seriously, I know how to kill Silas."

Elena lowered her voice. "Might wanna say that a bit louder, and let the whole school know that we're plotting to take down a millennia old immortal witch?"

"We're gonna give him the cure."

"Wait, what?" Caroline cuts in. "The cure? How would that kill him?"

"The cure was made for Silas. It will strip away his immortality, and he'll just be a witch. Without his immortality, he's easier to kill. I don't have enough to power to take him. So unless you guys want me to commit another mass murder, then we need to get that damn cure."

"But Katherine has it."

"Then let's track the bitch down! How hard could it be? She looks just like you, right?"

At this point, it's hard to believe that she's never met this infamous Katherine Pierce. She's heard enough horror stories to know that she wasn't no good, but she couldn't help but to be a little curious.

"Yeah, right," Elena snorted. "Katherine out of all people is not going to just hand over the cure."

Rue groaned exasperatedly. "Then we'll kill her, too!"

Caroline's eyes widened and grabbed her arm. "Would you keep your voice down? What's up with you and the sudden urge for a killing spree?"

"I don't know, Caroline, maybe since I was mentally attacked by some all-powerful-ghost," Rue snapped. "I wanted that son of a bitch dead, yesterday."

"Hey..." Elena spoke softly. "I know what he did to you was traumatic and—"

"Elena, I really don't want to talk about my feelings right now. What I want to talk about right now is—"



The four girls turned in their seats to see Rebekah Mikaelson entering the bustling cafeteria. She passed out colorful fliers to passing by students, creating a social buzz. The Original Family had a way of entering a room like they owned it, like they owned the world. Rue supposed they could if they wanted to.

"Hello, girls," Rebekah greeted with a smirk. "I hope you four aren't busy being pathetic so you can join my party tonight."

"Only when you stop being desperate," Rue quipped.

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