Chapter 3

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Cain Pov

I am sitting in the VIP section of the club and I see her walking in the club with a guy. It looks like her man but I can't really tell from so far. Even if is her man him go need to drop back.

Just my luck to see her again today.

"A which catty u a pre suh hard me G" bugu says looking to the direction I am looking.

"Smaddy catch me eye man but dat soft. How the thing them a go?" I ask him downing my Hennessy in one go.

"Everything good man a just Zaid fi forward back later tonight." He says as I look towards the entrance seeing her dancing with the guy she walked in with.

Something about her peeks my interest and I want to find out what that is. Just before I can send Bugu to get her I see a message from my girl.

Babe I'm in the club
Where are you?

I look at my screen and hiss my teeth pushing the phone in my pocket. This girl need fi stop watch me. Me have her living at one a me house with me so that means she above all who else me a fuck. From me a go raw with a woman she can't be fucking no one else so consider us together, I don't know still.

I take a pull out of my spliff and lean back in the sofa seeing Andra walk up to our section and talking to our security. I get up and walk to her.

"Yow go home and wait pon me fi forward." I say to her as I blow the smoke in her face.

"Okay baby" she says blowing me a kiss and walking away.

I walk back to my section and sit down looking as Andra leaves. I notice that the guy miss lady came in with is not beside her. My time to approach her. I get up and walk over to her, standing directly Infront of her stopping the bartender from giving her the drink in his hand.

"Nah man she good, she with me" I say looking directly in her eyes. In the dim light in the club she looks so good I just want to take her home and fuck some manners in her.

"Excuse you, I'm not with anyone so please get out of my face." She says looking in my face and rolling her eyes.

I know she recognise me based on how she reacted before her mouth opened. She reached to touch the drink and I grab her hand while she tries to free herself.

"Let go of my hand. I don't even know you and your grabbing me." She says trying to free herself from my grip.

I push my face to her ears and pull her close to me until we are almost touching.

"Don't think this is like our previous encounter I'll fuck you up in this club right Infront of everyone." She looks at me with bright eyes as if she is surprised by my words.

"I dare you to try and harm me with a club full of people as a matter of fact I'll report you for harassment and stalking and and..."

"And what? Just know I'm watching you Aisia, so no wrong moves." I say to her releasing her hand.

I see Bugu walking over to me with a phone at his ears and an angry expression on his face.

Fuck, supn go wrong.

"Zaid seh we fi forward pon fi him block." He says handing me my phone's and walking ahead of me.

I look at her as she looks at me and I walk away leaving her standing at the bar. I jump in my BMW M5 and wait for Bugu to drive out then me and then the two bodyguards drive out after. I sent two men to drop off some things and I'm hoping nothing went left because I paid out three million to the police to allow my goods to be transported incident free.

I pull up outside Zaid's place and put in the code walking in. He is sitting with a bottle of ciroc in his hands. "Wah gwaan now Zaid" I say sitting Infront of him and lighting a spliff.

I watch as Bugu walks in taking a seat.

"Dawg d boy weh name Reno fuck up the plan and shoot up Queng and Clappa but them escape. A round a d pussy ends mi wah go right now" Zaid says putting the bottle to his head and drinking.

"Who dah likkle bwoy deh Cain? him a mek big step till him all try kill couple a our people." Bugu says standing.

"A long run and short catch man, get some info on him and link me back. Nuh seh nth to the Don you zeet" I respond looking at them both as they nod there heads.

I walk out of the house and enter my car. The last four months I have noticed an increase in audacity and I have to cut down some bwoy to size.

My father is the Don for Kingston and he wants me to take it up after him but I insisted on opening businesses and going legit until two years ago when some guys decided to mess with me. Ever since then I run Kingston alongside the Don with no questions asked. Murder anything. Darker than midnight. Everyman answer to me before then can deal with me pops.

Aisia Pov

I watch him leave as I wonder to myself how he knows my name. I saw this man once, in real life that is and that was this morning when he was rude. How coincidental that he is at the same club Trey took me. Trey is another one why him gone leave me.

Next thing the man can be a kidnapper, then again him leave so I guess he is not a kidnapper. One thing the man nice bad and I'm so attracted to him. How did he know my name? I don't remember telling him my name but then again maybe Trey told him, he has been annoying me to start dating again.

Trey is at the bar drinking and I'm over this and want to go home but ofcourse Trey drove me since I don't own a car. I have a license but no car. Trey brought me here with the pretence that we are celebrating my first job but he is doing his own thing. I look at the clock seeing 2:38am and sigh. We have been here since 11:pm.

"Forward" a voice says as I turn around seeing the guy from this morning.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, I don't know you" I respond now holding my purse tight.

All wah gwaan me wah follow him.

"Wasn't a question still but okay " he responds as he grabs my hand pulling me to the exit.

"Where are you taking me? Stop dragging me." I say hitting his hand.

"Home, get in." Is all he says as we stand Infront of a black crown.

"No I'm not getting in this car." I say looking at him and now realising his well groomed beared and his light blue eyes.

He grabs my throat which causes me to let go of my bag and phone and instinctively wrap my hands around his hand trying to release some of the pressure from my neck.

"My girl me go release you and you go sit down in the car and doh upset me." He says as I nod.

At this point I'll agree to anything as it feels like I'm turning blue due to lack of oxygen to my lungs.

He release his grip around my neck and I cough to regain my self and regulate my breathing. I watch as he takes my stuff off the ground and hands it to me. I grab them from his hand and sit in the front passenger seat and buckle my seatbelt as I watch him enter the car.

I decided I was not going to give him Directions to my house but for some reason he knows my address. This is getting very scary and dangerous. I look out the window as the car comes to a stop and I open the car door and stand outside seeing my apartment building.

"Go inside and next time go out with a responsible man." He says eyeing me up and down.

"Thanks for the drive and bye." I say closing his car door and walking up the steps and going to my apartment.

I am now lying on my bed after I took a long shower. I don't know it yet but there is something about this guy.

I'll think about this tomorrow I need to sleep. Before I could close my eyes I hear a message on my phone. I pull the phone to see a message.

Unknown number
Save my number.

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