Chapter 1

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Aisia Pov

I look into his eyes and there is nothing but love and lust beaming at me. He steps closer to me wrapping his strong arms around my waist and with one swift but gentle movement my breasts are to his toned body. My chest against his rock hard chest. Our breathing in sync and our eyes searching each other souls. He place his right thumb under my chin and his left hand swoops me in his arms as I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Our lips are inches apart and he parts his lips.


My mouth opening to welcome his plush pink lips on mine. The desire building up deep inside me waiting to be let loose.

Rinngggggg rinngggggg rinngggggg

Oh my god. I jump out of bed landing on the floor as I clutch my sheet wrapping it around me. I look up at the wall clock directly Infront of my room.

I'm literally late for my interview

I remove myself from my sheet and place the covers on the bed, I ease myself off the floor and walk towards the bathroom rubbing my eyes. I open the cabinet above my face basin and grab my pink toothbrush and grabbing the toothpaste putting a little on the toothbrush. I turn on the sink wetting the toothbrush then start brushing my teeth.

Rinngggggg rinngggggg

I look to the direction of my room sighing. I quickly rinse my mouth and the toothbrush and placing everything back in the cabinet and closing it walking back into my room.

I look at the phone screen seeing my favourite person loml❤️ calling. I hit the answer button and placing it on speaker and walking to my closet.

"How is it going? Are you there yet? What is it like? Your first ever interview. I'm so excited." He screams into the phone.

I look over at the screen as if he could see me and roll my eyes. I pull out the pants suit I bought specifically for today. I put it on the bed and take up my phone going back into the bathroom then remove my clothes and step into the shower.

"So your really ignoring me okay bet." He says as the screen lit up signifying he disconnected the call.

I squeeze the shower gel bottle hoping a little falls on my wash cloth so I can take a bath.

I am now fully dressed and I comb my hair into a small ponytail at the back of my head. I put on a clear gloss and look at myself in my grey pants suit with my burgundy pump heels and my bergundy Michael Kors bag. I grabb my watch looking at the time seeing 8:04am as I walk out the front door.

I walk pass a few school children and adults going to their prospective places, as I walk along the sidewalk I notice there is no taxi this morning out of all the days. I pray I'm not late today this job can change my situation so much and this is what I need.

Peeeeeep peeeeeeep

"Get the fuck out the road, are you blind?" A voice roars over the car horn.

I snap back to reality and notice I am in the middle of the busy Kingston road staring at the bonnet of 2023 Porsche in full black.

"Who the fuck let this retarded ass bitch on the street." He says getting out the vehicle.

"Who the fuck you a address anuh that run me over batty boy." I say walking up to him and making no attempt to stop.

"Go back ina the road nuh and see if me nuh run over you." He says shutting his car door and standing firm Infront of me.

If this big boy think me scared a him, him right a just because me cyah fight mek me go back down.

I watch as he smirks then shakes his head getting into the car and speeding off. I look back at the crowd at the bus stop and where I am and sigh. I need to be at the interview in less than 10 minutes.

Wait he looks familiar, I'm not sure where I have seen him before. Maybe it was someplace downtown or even at school. I can't place it and I hate that.

I look down at my watch seeing 8:22am and I sigh. My first interview and I'm late.

Anonymous POV

I look ahead at her, she is in a grey pant suit and she is sexy as hell. She is really pretty too but that mouth of hers is gonna be a problem.

I look seeing her get into a taxi and it drives off. I start my car following behind the taxi. This whole drive has brought me to a familiar company in Kingston. I watch as she walks up to the security and signs her signature.

I grab my phone calling the manager Jason. "I want you to hire a young lady in a grey pant suit and burgundy bag, if she is here to apply for a job." I say as soon as he answers.

"Is she qualified?" He ask sounding like he is driving.

"Do this for me." I respond disconnecting the call.

I turn on my music and head in the direction out of Kingston. I had a rough night last night, I need to get some sleep before my meeting later.

I pull up to my driveway and walk into the house.

"Babe I missed you" my girl says coming to hug me. I currently have her living with me for about six months now.

"Eeh suh show me how much nuh" I look as she smiles then drops to her knees and pulling my pants. I close my eyes as I feel her mouth on me and I wish it was miss lady I saw. I need to find a way to get close to her.

I need to know her.

"Babe Jason called saying that he need a file from you." Andra says shaking me.

"Shit me forget it this morning, it on the night stand. Drive go bring it to him a the office." I respond without opening my eyes.

I feel her get off the bed and I relax myself as sleep takes over.

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