Chapter 25

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4 years later

Cain Pov

"Your baby mother got the letter and just like you suspected she is visiting your house. I got a few pictures should I send them to the husband?"

"No. I asked for a recent picture of my daughter, where is it?" I ask.

"I sent it to your email."

The call goes dead and I look at the phone. I am locked up in prison for over four years eight months, one week and six hours. People have betrayed me and wish me nothing but hate and when I get out of here there will be hell to pay.

I pull up the picture from my email and look at my little princess. She looks just like me and yet so much like her mom.

I keep watch over her and Aisia because over the years my so called mom has attempted to kill them and my people had to intervene.

I scroll to my contacts and hover my finger over Aisia's contact before deciding to call her.

"Hello." She says answering on the first ring.

I don't answer I just stay quiet on the line.

"Cain if it's you I'm sorry for what happened but I had to carry on with my life. I couldn't sit still waiting on a man that can never love me." She continues.

"Please don't contact me again. I want my marriage to work Cain. Go and be with Cassandra she has a son for you and I know she still loves you.

"I love you Aisia." I end the call throwing the phone on my bed before punching the wall.

I feel every bone in my hand as it breaks but nothing hurts more than knowing you have a child that has never seen you before and calls another man daddy. Nothing hurts than watching the woman you love, love another man.

I'm not serving another year in prison. Hold firm Rainbow daddy is coming home.

Aisia Pov

I look at my phone screen with a tear threatening to fall down my cheek. Cain just told me he loved me and something in the very bottom of my stomach that I thought was dead twirls.

"Mommy I talked to daddy today?" Reniesha says jumping in my arms.

"Ssh, remember I told you not to let daddy Denvar hear you. You saw someone like your daddy baby remember I told you your daddy is in America " I whisper to her.

I told Reniesha the about her father before she could even talk. I have showed her pictures of Cain and even let her listen a few voice messages I saved on my phone. She thinks her father is living in another country.

Years ago when I just found out I was pregnant I made a promise to myself that I will never be a single mother and I kept that promise by marrying Denvar but that does not mean that I will hide my child's father from her.

When I received the news from Jason that Cain was arrested and charged for killing Reno, illegal possession of a firearm and attempted murder. I was devastated but what broke my heart was his sentencing.

Cain got 40 years with the possibility of parole after serving 30 years. I went into labour that same day and that night I had our baby girl.

I told Denvar that Reniesha's father died in a car crash and he believed and got married to me six months later. I know I shouldn't have lied but by time Cain is out we'll be old and grey.

"Hun can I ask you a question?" I jump seeing Denvar standing behind me.

"Go to your room Ren." I say to my daughter kissing her forehead.

I stand from the coach and walk over towards him kissing him passionately as I feel him lift me up in his arms.

I groan into the kiss just as I hear a constant knock on the front door. Denvar puts me back to stand and peck my lips before walking off towards the door.

"Hun this is Jacob an internet guy. He says you requested an upgrade and he is here to do it. I'll be upstairs." He says walking away.

I watch as he climbs the stairs and walk out of sight.

"What the hell are you doing here Jason? This is my home." I whisper yell.

"I'm here for Reniesha."

"You must be joking. What do you want with my child?" I ask him.

"I was told to come for her."

"Who gave you such a ridiculous order?"

"Cain." He says pushing past me to Ren's room.

I practically run behind him to the room and push the door open to see him stoop Infront of Ren and she jumps in his arms hugging him.

"I missed you uncle Jason." She says still hugging Jason.

"What does she mean she misses you? Have you been in contact with my daughter?" I ask Jason.

He stands looking at me smiling before pulling me into a hug.

"The Cain you knew four years ago is not the Cain today. If you don't let me take her he will come for her himself."

"Get out of my house. Cain is locked up Jason so your intimidation cannot work on me."

He smiles and walks out of the room. I hear the front door close and I release a breathe I did not know I was holding.

I gave Ren a bath and showered myself before making dinner and put Ren to bed. I'm in bed scrolling through my phone waiting on Denvar to get home but as usual he has late nights in the office.

I feel his hand rubbing against my clit and I arch my back at the sensation. He pulls down my panty and inserts two finger before withdrawing it and I hear him pull down his zipper and pulls me to the edge of the bed and flip me over on all fours. He enters me with such quickness that I gasp in both pleasure and pain.

"Ahh, Denvar don't stop." I moan.

He grabs my hair pulling it and sink deeper in me.

"Don't fucking call me no man name Aisia."

I freeze in place at the sound of the voice. He pulls out and orders me to turn around and I turn looking into his eyes.

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