01 | the million dollar question!

62 9 12

—— 2045, 9 june

a splash of cold water jolts him awake from his sleep, nearly making weixiang curse out in his mother language until the voice of his younger sister stops him.
"don't swear in front of mama." the voice spoke, her voice threatening as the oldest sits up on his bed.

he can see his mother by the doorway, sporting her usual bright smile that he had gotten from her, "morning mama, morning mei," he greets with a yawn as he stands up from his bed, walking around his room for no reason at all before exiting the room that the two women have already left.

his dad easily notices him, eyes now focusing on him than the work displayed in front of him, "morning weixiang," and
the boy greets him back— not as energetic as his wife who happily sang her new song in the kitchen with meiling helping her cook their breakfast.

he checks the time on his phone— the time reading nine in the morning before he takes a seat next to his dad.

"is shotaro gonna hang out with you today wei-ah? asked nicholas as his eyes focused on his work again, fingers typing quickly against the keyboard to send the building plan to architect zuki who was on the other line waiting for an email of the confirmation of his new project.

he thinks for a while, "no, i don't think so.. but i do wanna go walk around my uni later.. you know, to familiarize myself with the campus before the start of the new year."

his mom, yiying, places down the plate of fresh hot pancakes, grinning as she patted her son's hair, "you'll do just fine my lovely wei. remember, if you need anything, you have us to lean onto."

weixiang smiles back, the chair besides him being pulled out as meiling starts to eat next to him.
"of course mama,"

—— 🍒

taro boba

are you gonna go to hyung's house later?

taro boba
sungchannie's house?
yeah ofc
oh and also
did you hear about the annual gathering between the olders
i heard from my pa that uncles' sons are finally going this year

eh depends
i don't really wanna see my sister trying to flirt with heeseung hyung like last time

taro boba
that was two years ago and she was only like what
besides your mom's guitarist what was her name again..
oh yeah dami! is gonna be there with her daughter

heeseung hyung was like 21
and besides i don't wanna see lia and mei gossip

taro boba
that's a..
year difference???


taro boba
i wished i had a protective brother like you but then i remember how soft you are to your sister to the point you allow her to bully you and i suddenly stop the brother fever

i'm muting you

taro boba
hey aren't you the one who started the convo😭
this guy
sungchannie would never treat me like this

—— 🍒

the dorkies

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