14 | the fox family

14 3 1

—— 2045, 6 november

there's not in a way sunoo can understand what made him so special from others in niki's eyes. what made him so attractive to a man who had such a unique personality that surely, another would love and easily match.
he constantly pushes him away, constantly tells him harmless threats that he doesn't even know hurt of not and yet the boy still came back running to him with open arms that will surely plummet him into the ground if they every collided or maybe he would stop, wrap his arms around his waist and pull him up into the sky like an offering to the angels only to be dropped back down because he doesn't want to let go of his own angel.

okay, maybe that got too descriptive but he couldn't help it.

niki saw something in him that he couldn't see.
and he didn't know how to feel about that.

—— 🐆

giving love out is easy if you grow up in a loving home— that's what niki assumes within every family because he grew up with a loving mom who raised him and his siblings to where they were now (always forever grateful niki would always beam around, saying that he would have never gotten into miu without the support of his mom by his side).
so when he first sunoo, the boy a year older than him fake laughing with what he assumed were friends of him— he of course grew curious and asked himself if a boy who seemed that broken down had the capability to give love.

he then met his same year mate, jungwon and his group of friends— first he noticed jay, then jake who had a very close sunghoon near his side.
heesueng was the boy who was helping out within orientation that time, smiling and greeting students with a bright smile.

he found themselves friends until sunghoon mentioning about how he knew of this guy who was a business major and said he was interesting enough to add to the small but growing group— and that's when wei joined into the fun of dorks.

it was first jay and jake messing around in the group chat because niki was still learning korean with the help of jay who translated and thought him proper spelling and grammar and then niki took over the fun and become the main texted of the group who cried over how pretty this one boy with usual dyed roots was.

and then jungwon added him into the group chat to shut niki up, but that only made it worse as the japanese boy took his chances faster than when sunghoon when jake was dating one time.

he basically texted sunoo everyday— greeting him, wishing him a restful sleep, telling him to do well within his vocal exams and check-ups because jungwon spilt some information in hopes that niki would shut up (he never did).
and then one day, sunoo responded back with a thank you and no one heard from niki for two days.

after that, sunoo seemed more open to them, but still chose to hang out with his other friends— they soon found out why the boy hung out with those type of groups so much which was that they were old classmates.
and niki was the only one who called out to sunoo that he was being ridiculous on still befriending them despite all the pain one day during their lunch break.

there was an argument that lasted into the next morning, no one blinked an eye because they soon later found out that who they once thought was a peaceful person turned out to be a person who liked to argue about everything to the next person to him.
turns out, his parents (mingyu) taught him that— and sunoo turned to be the sassy, little vocal student they knew and love because the only person he would argue about little harmful things was just niki.

they soon added niki's cousin who then added his long term boyfriend— and then it was found out all their parents were actually friends during the first large meeting that wei's parents set up to catch up with the rest of their friends.

but what exactly made the japanese attracted to sunoo so much? well, because he was worth all the love.

—— 🦊

sunoo didn't like song writing that much, and for a good reason— jungwon had more better words and more better music production than him. but he still tried his best to make his first song meaningful. he even got help from both his parents and it helped a lot with creating a song that related the feelings of his confusing heart.
"is it for niki?" asked his papa as sunoo shyly smiled.

the glasses male smiled back, pinching his son's nose as he did, "of course~ my little fox is smitten by someone." he spoke teasingly, grinning when he saw that blush spread around his cheeks as he couldn't hide the smile that only grew wider on his lips.
"ah, my little fox has grown up so much.. huhu.. how can i ever forget when you were just a little small baby~?" the older man teased some more by nuzzle his cheek against the smaller's hair until it had gained the attention of sunoo's other parent who was packing his stuff alongside his papa's.

"what's happening between my two foxes that i'm missing right now?" he asked as wonwoo only shook his head, turning oblivious when sunoo told his dad about his own papa. mingyu turned to his husband acting shocked.

"my little fox, should we tickle your papa?" he spoke, sending a certain wonwoo on a comforting bed into a daze as he tried to talk them (mingyu) out of this. "now— is there really a need to do this?" he tried to make up excuses that could get him out of this trap but the father was adamant on tackling his husband with full force and with their son.

the trio bounced on the bed (it was shocking to wonwoo that it didn't break under the mass and force) but before wonwoo could escape, there were fingers tickling on his skin and he laughed out loud.

this is a family of love, mingyu thought, pressing kisses on the two males on his side once the tickling fight stopped moments later.

"i love you both so much."  whispered out as the clouds drifted in the sky. this was his family— the family he grew with wonwoo, the man he loved so gently.

the older watched mingyu lovingly, and the younger immediately noticed, "our family." he mouthed out as wonwoo gave a bright smile— nodding.
this was their family.

—— 🍒 author's notes
this chap is around the place but i wanted something to focus on niki, sunoo and ofc i couldn't help but write about sunoo's parents minwon😭😭
this is only a filler plus the sunki moments haven't really started fully yet

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