05 | care for you

22 4 9

—— 2045, 12 july

it's a surprise that the next following days seemed like hell and torture to sunoo.

well, you may ask why was he supposed to be sad about— depressed about? he has everything he needs to survive! a loving family, loving friends, good grades, a wonderful university life and plus, guys and girls fainting for him at his feet so why does it seem like he's gloomy all the time then?

wonderful school life.
sure, wonderful fucking school life.

is hearing all that, "sunoo, you seem too chubby, have you tried going on a diet?", "sunoo, you don't need to eat so much, see your cheeks are exploding.", "sunoo, why don't you just skip lunch for today? maybe it'll lower your calories." sound fucking fun to you?

because it isn't to sunoo. sure, he enjoys food because his dad is a good cook and a chef at a fancy restaurant and likes to spoil him and his papa with home-cook meals everyday that he can't resist getting two plates or so but is he really that chubby?
he thinks he's at a perfect shape— the perfect weight for an twenty-one year old still living with his parents and being treated and smothered with love like a baby.

"sunoo, is there something wrong..?" asked his papa as sunoo gloomily looked down at his dinging phone. notifications like "sunoo you look so pretty without that cheek fat!" and compliments that complimented his skinny figure— comments spamming the post the more the seconds passed.

he could feel a coat of tears glistening in his eyes and he prayed that the moment he blinked, they wouldn't fall because if his papa were to ever see his tears, he would ask what was wrong until the end of time.

"no.. nothing's wrong papa, i'm fine." he responded, clenching his phone closer to his body as he thought deep in his head. "are you sure..?" sunoo nods, beaming a fake smile at his papa.

his papa blinks for a bit, and nods.
"okay, just remember that me and your dad won't judge you if you tell us that something is wrong okay?" his voice is soft, a clear sign that he was a soft-spoken person that only worried for his only son in the family.

—— 🦊


are you okay?

loml suns <33
why wouldn't i be?

are you sure?

loml suns <33
yes ofc
why do you keep asking?

bcs i care for you ofc

loml suns <33

wdym why
i just care for you
bcs i like you |
bcs i lik |
bcs i |
bcs |
bcs you're my best friend

loml suns <33
well i'm just fine niki
there isn't need to worry

but you don't eat in front of us anymore
you don't eat in front of me anymore
idk why
but i feel like something is wrong when i see someone not eating

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