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Whilst I am unapologetically me and am prepared to stand up for myself, there are people I have wronged who I would like to take the time to apologise to. To start with I'm going to apologise to Jess. Jess and I have been friends since we were 4 years old but in Year 8 we had an argument and didn't reconcile again until Sixth Form. I spoke about it earlier in this book but we basically pushed Jess out of our friendship group. We facetimed her when we were together to rub it in that she wasn't with us, we came up with excuses to exclude her all the time, and it was horrible. It hurts me when I think about how we made Jess feel when we were 12, and I want to offer my deepest apologies for that. Jess has always been a wonderful friend to me and always stuck up for me when I couldn't stick up for myself throughout primary school and the early years of secondary school, so she never did anything to deserve the way we treated her. Someone else I want to apologise to is Gabrielle. We were good friends for about 5 years but our other friend and I started making fun of her behind her back in Year 10 and 11. Our other friend was the first one to do it, and I then eventually joined in, but I still take full responsibility. I had my own free will and I chose to partake and make fun of her, so Gabrielle if you are reading this I am so immensely sorry. You are one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life and you deserve nothing but so much love, happiness, and success. Izzy, I am sorry for the times back in Year 8 where I made fun of you physically a few times. The truth is, I always admired your beauty and I know both of us used to argue quite a lot but it was wrong of me to take it to that level and I am sorry, I still think about it today and the guilt of knowing I could've said something that stuck with you eats away at me, because I know that feeling all too well myself. Jack, I am sorry for taking out my anger on you back in Year 10 and sending you some pretty heated paragraphs. I am sorry to anyone I have ever known who I have wronged, I'm sure there are plenty of instances. I want to end this by saying I'm sorry to my parents. I say and do really horrible things sometimes and I want to say that I'm sorry for everything I have done, and everything I will continue to do.

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