Chapter 1

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You silently moved through the streets of Shells Town, your nimble fingers effortlessly slipping in some money bills from an unsuspecting passerby's pocket — a skill you have honed due to necessity

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You silently moved through the streets of Shells Town, your nimble fingers effortlessly slipping in some money bills from an unsuspecting passerby's pocket — a skill you have honed due to necessity. You were quick and discreet when it came to the shadier side of law.

Yet, you never viewed yourself as a pickpocket or a thief; survival in this unconventional world often demanded for unconventional means. Survival dictated the need for money and for a wandering soul with an adventurous spirit there weren't many honest opportunities so you resorted to this manner of living.

But a different thought had crossed your mind today.

How much money does the 153rd Marine Base have? It's a Marine base; it ought to have loads of money, you had thought. And with that thought you had to make a plan.

This would be the first time you would steal from a Marine base, heck nobody ever stole from a Marine base... well, no sane person did. That didn't matter, you just needed to formulate a nice plan.

Sneaking in was out of question as the place was brimming with Marines and it would take too much time. Impersonating a Marine won't be any better either as it would require you to find a Marine of your height, size and to discard your current attire, which was laden with many concealed weaponry—an option you wished to avoid at all costs. Maybe harming a Marine would be the way to go. You would get yourself captured, with a strategy to escape (courtesy of your many weapons hidden in your attire) and you gather intel about the base's layout. This seemed like a more fitting plan.

The plan seemed perfect in your mind and now all there was left was to put it in use. For that you needed to find a Marine and follow through. But before that you needed some food and you would put the recently acquired money to use.

Upon entering a local establishment, your eyes immediately landed on a man with green hair and three blades. Your eyes widened in recognition and suddenly you didn't feel hungry anymore and just wanted to leave before he could spot you.

However, you reasoned that perhaps he wouldn't recognise you, considering the insignificance of you and the past interactions with him. You're not worth remembering, you chastised yourself, sadly.

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