Chapter 5

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Devil fruit

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Devil fruit.

These enchanted fruits gifted superhuman abilities upon their consumers, but at the cost of a weakness — they rendered the eater incapable of swimming. Rare and elusive, being present in a room with two Devil fruit eaters was improbably low, but apparently not low enough to be zero.

Both Luffy and that clown were Devil fruit eaters. What are the chances!

You had come across many people in your life but encounters with Devil fruit eaters were as rare as the fruit itself. You only came across one person who had a Devil fruit in possession, not a Devil fruit eater but she kept it guarded. She never ate it though, instead she chose to obliterate the fruit before your eyes, determined to prevent anyone from harnessing its powers. She was certainly very ambitious about that topic. You missed her.

That's not the point! Stop getting distracted. The point is...

"So you guys knew Luffy was a Devil fruit eater this whole time but didn't care to tell me? I see how it is," you said between rough breaths, swatting away parts of the clown that were scattered in the air.

"It never came up," Zoro replied, trying to fight off a... foot?

You lost your balance, a punch to the gut stealing your breath. Gasping for air, you witnessed Zoro being pushed by a foot (or at least, you assumed it was a foot). Temporarily forgetting your pain, you rushed to his aid, driving your katana into the foot and throwing it away. Zoro shot you a puzzled glance, but no comments were made on you helping him.

My aim has improved, you smile amidst the chaos.

Your euphoria was short lived though, as you were pushed away by another part of the clown. You ended up crashing onto Zoro and the tank, both of you tumbling over as the glass of the tank shattered. While you mostly landed on Zoro, your head took a harsh blow from the floor, eliciting a groan of pain.

As you distanced yourself from Zoro, the pain from the cut you sustained a day ago resurfaced. Glass shards that got embedded in your right palm added to the discomfort. Wincing, you removed them, your hand stained red.

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