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Part II

"I'm mommy." I pulled out another photo, placing it in front of Na'Jour, in hopes that he would remember me.

My baby was five years old, nearly going on six, and I remembered everything about him, but it seemed like he knew nothing about me.

"Na'Jour..." I rubbed my sunken, dry, eyes, trying to get him to understand, but all he could do was stare at the images and then back at me with a hateful face. "I'm your mommy.. I carried you."

"He don't remember you." Darius pulled a seat out, beside me, taking a glimpse of my baby boy. I was happy he looked nothing like his father.

Na'Jour hadn't spoke since i've gotten him. It's been months, and not a peep has came out. He'd cry from time to time, which hurt me because I never knew why. Maybe because I was a stranger to him.

"M-mommy loves you" I tried touching him, but his shoulders jerked back and he held himself away from me as if i've done something harmful to him.

My eyes were no longer dry, they began to fill, but I wouldn't allow them to overflow because I knew there was no stopping the rain once it started.

Darius wanted to comfort me, but he was tired of telling me for the millionth time that Na'Jour needed to go back. It didn't matter if he was my son or not, he knew Mac; not me.

With that, Darius was out his seat, and gave his company to Episode 369. He loved keeping up with the latest news.

"Why wont you speak go me?" I mumbled, feeling drained of energy. "Maybe I should give you back."

It ached my heart to let go of my precious boy. My firstborn, my light, my love. I just wished they never kept me from him, I wished they were accepting of him.

I will never forgive Denny and Mac for what they did to me, but I will NEVER forgive momma for letting it happen. They were the reasons why my life was crumbling and in shambles.

It didn't make it any better that I was hidden out in an old rusty, one bedroom, and a fucked up bathroom, home. I'd been doing nothing but running and hiding my whole life.

I couldn't even take a break, knowing that Mac was searching for me and I knew if he'd find me he'd kill me in front of my baby.

"Mommy..." Na'Jour's small mouth opened, and my head immediately jolted up, just staring at the fear in his face.

"Why?" Was all he said before the hate clouded his mind. He frowned at my appearance, but kept his arms wrapped around himself as protection.

"Why what baby? W-what did I do to you?" I couldn't fathom the thoughts going through his head.

Was he mad I abandoned him? Was he mad I kidnapped him?

I pressed against the table, just in case he decided to speak so low that I wouldn't catch a word.

"Why you hurt auntie?" He stared back, his eyes were wobbly and was ruptured with tears. He was having a flashback, I could see the dazed and confused looks on his beautiful face.

"I-I never hurt anyone, baby, I could never hur-"

"I saw you. I saw you and unc Denny. I saw you two put bags on her face. I-I saw you two with knife.. I saw you two hurt her bad and watch her bleed. I saw you two run away and I tried to help auntie.. but I couldn't.." His cheeks were soaked, like a river, and flooded down until they dripped.

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