Ff 2

136 10 44


3:27 A.M

After another week of fighting, breaking tooth and nail, bickering, and eventually giving up - we were all silenced with starvation.

It hadn't been too long, but Charles hadn't allowed us to eat for at least twelve hours and yesterday, he had cut our servings for severely low fat foods.

Maybe he wanted us to be skinnier, but that wouldn't make any sense seeing that we were already skin and bones, especially myself. I lost at least seventeen pounds being here.

I blame the cigarettes. After the girls had me taking a whiff of that - it became my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I stopped though.

It was around three in the morning, where it was so dark, outside, that the stars lacked visibility in the sky.

"Aye, not too tight!" I hissed, feeling the wire cord cut through my skin, but the man handling our on-boarding refused any emotional support. Instead, he laughed under the ski-mask that covered his identity.

It didn't take him long to do the same with the others. With some, he tightened the restraint so unbearably that blood was inflicted.

A few of the girls cursed and tried big mouthing his aggressiveness, which he quickly responded back to with a spit in the face.

Once again, we were silenced, but so was Princess, who had drool sliding down the left side of her cheek. This had probably been the quietest we've all known her to be.

I'd have to say, Charles had some serious connections. He was a pro on how to get away with being grimey, especially because he knew better than to sneak us out in ways you'd imagine a typical criminal would.

He had us placed in the back of an Amazon delivery van, knowing that preloading would take place around four to eight in the morning.

By the time we were on the road, no one would suspect that the young college student, dressed in a delivery costume, with a face so comforting that you'd think he'd previously worked at Chick-fil-a, would be doing anything more than delivering packages.

Hell, the kids innocent appearance fooled me so easily - I assumed he was tricked into this position, but his words said otherwise.

After the back of the van was slammed shut, we all sat, stuffed together, with no inch of light shedded upon us.

"He doesn't love me.." Princess was the first to speak, snotting up in the far corner of the van.

I was lucky enough to be a good distance from her and even luckier that they had me beside Sonya.

"I told you," I found myself muttering, feeling another girl nudge my shoulder to shut up.

I knew it wasn't the time, but I was sweating from the lack of ventilation and breathing the same musty air we had to share. The last thing I wanted was to hear Princess complain the whole trip.

"Oh, bitch, PLEASE!" She roared, still sniffing up the snot that was running down her face. "Can you sympathize fa' once? You're the reason we're all in this situation right now!"

Little hums ran through my mouth as a few girls agreed. Once they found out that my father was the one running the show behind Charles, they were lost of words.

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