Bb 2

149 11 13

Assad - Asa

Seven months can change a person. If i'm really being honest, it could make or break relationships, feelings, and your mentality.

The only thing that's been through my mind is how quick someone could fall out your life if you let them.

Momma only lived about twelve more days after finding out that she was basically on her death bed.

I think the worse part is that she wasn't with me. On her last days she was with my dad and he was quick to drop her body off at my door when she no longer breathed life.

Nigga ain't even have the decency to knock or nothing. He just sat her up at the door, walked off, and went back onto the streets where he was comfortable badgering people for a dose.

I had the funeral by myself. Most of Momma's family wasn't in the states and Vaea was too emotional to even go. He figured he'd be more angry than sad knowing that my dad took mom away from him for a second time.

At some point, I figured he envied me because I favored that nigga in some aspects. And if that were the case, I wouldn't blame him.

After that funeral, I fell into a depression. It wasn't like I stopped eating or started going crazy on the amount I smoked.. I just wasn't doing shit.

It took at least two months for me to bounce back, but it was temporary every now and then. To be straight, I still had those days where I yearned for momma.

"What's on your mind, silly?" Sophia asked, tapping my shoulder and I snapped out of my thoughts.

I know they say it's not good to move on fast, but as soon as I dropped Kesha I started looking at my other options.

A part of me wonders if I gotta fear of being alone. Deep down I knew Kesha was no good for me but I kept her around. I knew momma didn't even remember who I was some days, but I kept her around. I knew Isis was doing things that conflicted with my beliefs, but I kept her around.

I just kept people around until I was forced to let them go and being around nobody for two months was one of the saddest experiences i've had.

That's when me and Sophia started dating. I never really even asked her out, but she just established it and claimed me, and I went along with it.

She and I had been talking for a while now and our 'relationship' was different than what I was use to.

For one, Sophia was white, came from a different city, had a huge ass family, and didn't know what it was like to live in the hood.

"So i'm thinking, you and me date on Saturday night to Cracker barrel, then later we can go to the Country Club so you can meet my father!" Her head swung in excitement and I tucked my lips in.

"I don't know about the Country Club, Soph." My shoulder's dropped as I scrolled the list given to me.

She made a whinny face and her voice matched it. "Oh, please Asa! I feel like you'd really like it and it'll get you out of that grumpy mood you've been in. You can invite King!"

Immediately, my head shook. Vaea was with Rhonda now and inviting him means i'd have to invite her. Both of them were one some weird shit to me.

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