Kk 2

156 10 9

** There's no drama this chapter!
Enjoy it while it lasts 🫶🏽

I'd been up for at least fifteen minutes now, but most of that time was spent staring at Asa, wanting for him to get up.

Usually, he was the first one up and headed out to the warehouse, but today he was taking a break from the place and everyone in it.

I ran my hand over his nose to make sure he was breathing. Not one snore echoed through the night so I figured something was wrong.

"Hmm" He grumbled, blocking his eyes with his arm so the light through the windows didn't wake him fully.

I just kept staring, waiting for us to start our day.

Initially, it was weird sharing the bed with him. For the first week, I was all the way on my far end and so was he.

It was so unusual that both of us barely got any rest. We would have to talk all night until we fell asleep, but now he was out like a light.

Besides that, he tried to make it a habit for us to get things done together in the morning. He felt like it would help me get out of my head.

Something about building 'healthy habits'. He learned about it in my therapy session, though I blocked out most of what Mrs. Bailey was teaching.

I stared at the white shirt that I wore. Every other night it was a new one which was a reminder that I really didn't have property of my own.

"How you sleep?" He asked, finally moving his arm and rubbing his eyes so those long lashes didn't fall in. Men were lucky.

"I slept fine. I thought you died. Didn't hear a peep from your mouth last night." I watched a small smirk crowd his face before he sat up, gurgling.

"I was loud until you stuffed that pillow in my face, yea?" He pulled the sheets off himself and slipped his feet into the slides beside the night stand.

"I didn't even," I bubbled, remembering that his snoring was so obnoxious that I smacked the hell out of his face with the cotton filled case.

It didn't help that he was a deep sleeper, so I held it down until I felt like he was done.

"C'mon, let's get ready." He pulled my legs, dragging my body, until I reached the end of the bed then slipped the sandals he bought, over my feet.

Once he grabbed my hand and led me onto my toes we were in the bathroom with toothbrushes dug in our mouths.

For the most part we were silent but shared looks with each other through  the mirror.

He was always good at pointing things out that I didn't even like. Or he'd make small compliments here and there, but i'd feel he was doing it to lighten my mood, not because he meant it.

Like the other day, I finally saw a reflection of myself. It was my first time seeing me sober.

I broke down at how ugly and hideous I was. I couldn't believe how far down the plunger I had gone and it was embarrassing.

What was worse was the seven month old sew-in that was in my head.

With the valleys i've been led down. I had no time to maintain the physical because I was trying to survive.

My hair was covered completely to hide the new growth, damage, and buildup that lived on my scalp.

Asa noticed it and as much as I wanted him to ignore my gimmicks, he asked what was up.

It took me all night to admit how I felt about my hair. How, every time I looked in the mirror, I would turn away and hope that everyone else didn't see what I saw.

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