Chapter 21

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Next Day, 

Aakriti was ready to go to college with a half-mood because she is on her periods and with cramps. College is important, for her to attend because there she can meet her hot professor so that's why she needs to go. She went into the washroom and got ready for college. Today she is  wearing a black crop top with blue straight jeans, leaving her hair in a low ponytail and applied lip balm.

At the dining room,

"Good morning Mom" She saw her mom coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning," Meera said, putting things on the table.

"Call everyone for breakfast while I bring other things."

"Ok, mummy," Aakriti went to call Adwait and Manoj.
Everyone gathered to have their breakfast.

After that, Aakriti said goodbye to them and left for college.

At college,

Aakriti Pov :-

I reached my college and was going to my class but stopped seeing someone.
I went to him while placing a big smile on my face.

"Good morning, sir," I said with a super happy face.

"Good morning, Aakriti," he said, seeing directly in my eyes and smiling widely.

"Sir, how's Dadu?" I asked.

"He is fine" He replied but in sad tone.

"What happened, sir? Why are you looking sad?" I asked with an innocent face.

"Ik that Dadu is not well and everyone cares about him but no one is concerned about me" He said making a pout face.

Just stop being so cute Vivaan. You are raising my temptation early in the morning.

" I'm sorry I didn't realised that. How are you doing?" I asked

" I was feeling a little off today, but you have turned me on." He said it with a smirk on his face.

" Ohh! what do you mean by that?" Being innocent me, I asked.

"You will know this soon." He whispered in my ears. Let's go to class. Or you're going to stand here with your red face?," he asked.

"No, let's go" I replied.

We both went inside and Sir started his lecture. After the lecture as sir was leaving after looking at me but that's when I heard some girls are talking about him.

" Let's go to him " Girl 1 said

" But what are you gonna say" Girl 2

" Let's go to him with and ask him to teach today's sum again"  Girl 1

" Okk let's go " Girl 2

When I heard I got so angry that they are trying to be close to him by asking him question. Ohh god why you made him so much  handsome that girls can't control themselves. In the name of asking doubt they all were being touchy with him and he didn't resist their touches. I just wanted to kick his butt. He explained them and went outside.

I was going to washroom that's when I saw Vivaan with female teachers that's when I realised that he is so popular among female teachers and students. Huff, I have lots of competition. As I was going from there our eyes met but he continued laughing and talking with teachers and he transparented me. He reached to my anger level that's when I decided to let him taste his actions.

Author's POV :-

Aakriti got very  jealous seeing him with girls, so she decided to make him jealous too. It was lunch time and she was thinking about how to make him jealous , Nayan was busy with something in class don't know what.

She was alone when she was roaming she saw Awez outside in garden and came up with an idea to use him to make Vivaan jealous. So she ran to Awez.

" Hey there, what are you doing? " She stood in front of him.

" Nothing much tell na Aakriti " He said as always giving her attention

" Nothing I saw you, so I came. Let's walk " She started to walk with Awez.

" Where we are heading? " He asked raising his eyebrows

" To hallway, "

" Okk, let's go " She purposely walked towards Vivaan's office so he can see them together.

When she saw Vivaan from somewhere she held Awez's hand and than started to walk.

"You're such a giant Awez look at your hand it's so big" She said

" You're hands are short just like you " He said holding her hand and making fun of her.

" Yaa mine are small "

She knew Vivaan was looking this whole time. He stopped at his place like statue. She was enjoying making Vivaan jealous and let him have taste of his game and this time it's her who took the initiative and held his hand even though she was scared because at the end she needs to face the consequences. He just looked at them and went on his way this time he didn't said anything to her.

Aakriti got disappointed that her plan failed so she also went away from Awez.

" Hey wait I'm also coming " Said Awez and followed her like a puppy.

She attend all her lecture with tension that did she made him angry little bit or overdid things. After lecture she left for culture department and Nayan left for house.

After spending like 2 hours in cultural committee she left for her home. As she was going to her regular bus stop to take bus. She saw car coming towards her, she recognised as soon as she saw the car and stopped and the car also stopped she got irritated because of his behaviour so decided to walk again as soon as she started the car came in front of her and stopped.

" What's your problem? Can't come and sit " Vivaan said angrily.

Aakriti was about to move when she heard the voice she saw him and had instant smile on her face.

" Sir, what are you doing here? " She asked hiding her smile.

" Don't have much time sit, fast " Irritation was visible on his face so she thought to play a bit.

" No it's fine I will go by bus." Innocence is in my blood she said to herself. He came out of car.

"Do you have any problem in understanding, or else you love to disobey me Miss Aakriti sharma?" He said angrily.

" Sir, what happened why are you speaking like this with me. Did I do something wrong? " she asked innocently.

She did not wanted to be an easy prey so she did not agree on sitting in his car at first she was going to stretch it a while but then she saw him coming out of his car and he stood in front of her for a half second.

She saw him with a question mark face, he took her bag and threw in the car through the window of the back seat. She was about to curse him for that but then he suddenly picked her and threw on his shoulder and in no time she was sitting beside him in the car. While he was carrying her she was not able process the whole thing.

" Don't you dare to put you're leg out of car " He said and started to drive.

" I'm not afraid of you " she said moking him.

" Try me then Aakriti sharma " hearing her full name from his mouth was making her fall harder for him.

No one said anything in between drive it was silent until Aakriti tried to break the silence.

" Where are you taking me? " she asked curiously.

" Just wait, you will see by yourself " he replied angrily.

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