CHAPTER 3 | Abuelo

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Veronica's POV

Flashback over.

The panic finally sets in.

I killed my step father.

I killed my family.

I killed my mothers love.

What would mother say?

'It was in self defence' the little voice in my head says.

"It was in self defence?" I question myself quietly.

'It was self defence.' the little voice repeats.

"It was self defence..." I whisper

'It was self defence' the voice says reassuringly

"It was self defence."

As the little voice in the back of my head slowly disappeared, new thoughts crossed my mind.

What am I going to do with Ricardo's body?

As my brain is going a million miles per second, there's a sudden loud phone ringtone and it's coming from my Ricardo's pocket.

What. The. Fuck.

I grab the phone.

I hesitate to answer.

I look down slowly to see who is calling.

Abuelo! I immediately answered the phone.

"Verónica" my abuelo calls my name from the other line.

"Abuelo!" I nearly yell into the phone.

"Cariño, ¿dónde está tu padre? Necesito hablar con él." He asks, showing off his Spanish accent.

(My darling, where is your father? I need to talk to him.)

"Abuelo, n-necesito tu a-ayuda" I state, nearly breaking a sob.

(Grandpa, i-i need your h-help.)

"¿Qué pasa mi pequeña Verónica? ¿estás herido?" he asks worriedly

(What is wrong my little Veronica? Are you hurt?)

"Abuelo, por favor necesito tu ayuda, mi padre se fue, ¡lo maté, abuelo!" I cry not being able to hold my emotions anymore.

"Por favor, ayúdame" i beg.

(Grandpa, please I need your help, father is gone, i killed him Grandpa!)  (Please help me)

There is a short silence.

All that could be heard was my sniffles, I was about to give up until my Abuelo spoke up.

"Shh, está bien cariño, ya voy, ya voy." he whispers his words soothing me.

(Shh, It's okay darling i'm coming, i'm coming)

Abuelo lives five hours away from me, he lives in the middle of Spain, whereas me I live in the middle of nowhere.

"¿Dónde está ahora el cuerpo de tu padre, cariño?" He asks softly.

(Where is your father's body now, darling?)

Why isn't he shocked?

I'm a monster.

"e-está en la c-cocina." I reply

(i-it's in the k-kitchen.)

"Escúchame de cerca querida, ve a tu habitación y cierra la puerta." he says a little demandingly.

(Listen to me closely darling, go to your room and lock the door.)

"Bueno" I whisper.


"Estoy en camino" He said reassuringly "Tu segura Verónica."

(I'm on my way.)   (your safe Veronica.)

I start making my way to my bedroom and lock my door, and I sit myself down on my bed.

As abuelo keeps speaking to me on the phone my eyes start to slowly flutter shut.

Next thing I know, I let the darkness take over my vision.


I apologise if I got any of the translations incorrect, blame Google Translate.

Thank you for reading!!

~ anya ~

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