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Chapter four

"Lilac skies."

The next morning, Juliet was sleeping soundly on the boat, and as she was, she didn't notice John B arriving as he opened the door and spotted her, he thought he would be smooth and carried everything he took yesterday in with him, causing the tanks to rattle, in which he turned, seeing Juliet start to stir awake "Weezie and Sarah, I am going to kill the both of you." she said, but when she heard metal clang, she gasped, quickly sitting up, shockingly finding John B there and not her sisters "wow, uh, your not who I thought you were." she told him.

As John B sighed "correct. Yeah." he told her, dropping everything as Juliet sighed, running her hands through her hair "I'm sorry." John B told her "you better be. I mean what the hell are you even doing here? What time even is it?" Juliet asked, looking around for her phone, but recalling she had left it back in the house "uh..it's like five am. And I'm just dropping off some scuba gear. What are..what are you doing..here?" John B asked her, as Juliet began to relax again "I am trying this new thing called being tech free, which is why I just looked like a crazy person looking for my phone when I don't have it. And other then that, it's the only place with air conditioning." she shared.

"Right." John B told her "so, did you top off the tanks like you said?" Juliet asked him "uh..no, no, the powers down, so the compressors were off." John B told her, as he cleared his throat "so, you decided that at five am you we're gonna sneak on on here and drop off empty tanks? Because if so that sounds like something I should tell my daddy about." Juliet told him "okay. Okay. Cool. Cool." John B told her, as he began to put everything down "just drop these off." he added on "totally, don't worry about it. I'll just put them away myself." Juliet told him "really, thank you." John B told her, going to leave "goodbye, John B." Juliet told him, going to lay back down.

But as she did, John B turned back "actually, you know, what..what exactly were you gonna tell your dad?" he asked, chuckling, as Juliet looked at him as she laid down "oh, nothing really. Except the fact that you took our scuba gear to go on some kind of rogue excursion I mean I really don't know what you guys do, so.." she shared "okay, fuck. I borrowed it for a few hours. Okay? And then I brought it back intact and unharmed." John B shared "without air." Juliet reminded him "look, please don't tell him. Okay? He'll fire me." John B told her.

Causing Juliet to huff as she sat up again "relax, John B. Look my life's been written out for me since I was born, okay? Sooner then later I'm gonna be married to Topper and drinking my life away. So instead I decided to get a jump start on my drinking and surprisingly I also added smoking weed to it since JJ offered one night when he was fixing my car and then sooner or later, we were also drinking together and then after that we started making out a couple times. So I know your secret and now you know mine, which means that neither of us will be telling my dad anything, okay?" she asked, laying back down "which means you can go now, John B." she told him.

Although, with all the information she just divulged to him, he couldn't help but stare at her, seeing her a bit differently and knowing fully well he was gonna have to talk to JJ about it "right. Yeah. Uh.." he said, as he began walking out "I'll leave..I'll leave that right there." he told her "have a nice day, John B." Juliet told him, rolling over to go back to sleep "you too." John B told her, as he left, Juliet had no idea that Weezie had been awake and heard her entire conversation with John B.

Later on, when Juliet actually woke up for the day, she had put away the scuba gear for John B and had headed back to the house and got dressed for the day, but as she did this little girl had come and asked for her help in finding sapphire her stuffed elephant which was why by a dock, Juliet was crouched down talking to her "so, you left her on the boat?" she asked, as the girl hummed "tell me one last time what she looks like?" Juliet asked her as she stood up "she has a trunk and blue ears." the little girl told her "okay, totally got it. I'm gonna go get her for you, okay?" Juliet asked her, getting ready to cross the plank to get to the boat.

Romeo and Juliet, John B RouteledgeWhere stories live. Discover now