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Chapter eleven

"The beginning of Juliet and her Romeo."

Having left the store, the two had taken a car and headed to the college, arriving by nightfall, the car soon parked "thank you. Here's what I owe you." Juliet told the man handing over the money as her and John B then got out, stepping onto the sidewalk "now, all we have to do is make sure we get to the library in time before it closes seeing as it's all the way on the other side of the student center if we move fast we should make it."Juliet shared, as the two started walking "and um, I know I should ask but I'm just gonna assume it's a no and instead ask how do you, John B Routledge? Feel to be on a college campus?" she asked.

"So far so good." John B told her, as Juliet hummed "ah, well that's the first way I've heard it cause in my case, I'm normally told that this is the best place ever and I'm gonna love it just like my dad did and his dad before him did and then his dad before him did. I mean you kind of get the picture." she told him "that's pretty rough." John B told her "yeah, I know and seeing as neither my brother or my sisters are potentially going anywhere, if I ended up not coming here he would probably fall over and die, literally." Juliet told him, as she huffed "so what's in John B's future, huh? I feel like all I've done today is talk about me." she shared.

"Uh..college has never really been on my radar, so.." John B told her, as Juliet's phone started to ring, she pulled it out and saw that her father was calling "shit." she said, stopping as John B looked at her "it's my father." she told him "oh my.." John B said "I..I didn't tell him anything because if I tell him something, he's gonna think thanks to Topper that I'm lying and that I'm sneaking around with JJ again." Juliet shared, watching her phone ring "and what would he think if he knew you were with me?" John B asked her "I'd be locked in the room for the rest of my days." Juliet told him "because you're a pogue sympathizer?" John B asked her.

"I just couldn't help it." Juliet told him "oh, my goodness." John B told her, as he followed Juliet two was walking backwards "you've gotta be careful fraternizing with the enemy, Juliet. Wait a minute. Did he kidnap you? Or drug you?" John B asked "no, it was just written in the stars that I was just destined to be on this path." Juliet shared, smiling "do we know this enemy?" John B asked her "oh, yes, very much so." Juliet told him "no, no, no. It's not the scuba thief, is it?" John B asked her "he's so much more than that." Juliet told him.

"Goodness gracious, he's working some good psyops on you, Juliet. He's a smooth operator." John B told her "indeed he is. My Romeo." Juliet told him, and when she did John B stared at her, Juliet then sighed "but sadly were from two different worlds and it would never work." she said, turning and walking toward the entrance, John B followed her "oh, I wouldn't be too sure, Juliet. Because once a pogue always a pogue." he told her, as the two brushed arms heading into the building.

And as they made it all the way through the student center and up the stairs toward's the library, Juliet sighed "Romeo, I believe we are reaching are end where it's time you finally tell me why we're all the way out here." she told him "look, Juliet, I already told you. I can't tell you." John B told her, as Juliet huffed turning and facing him as she stopped walking "and I told you that after everything I've done for you to be here right now, gives me a damn good right to know what the hell is going on? I mean I've told you all my secrets why won't you tell me yours?" she asked him.

"Okay." John B told her, as he sighed, looking around, he didn't see anyone as he looked back at her "I'm on a treasure hunt." he told her and when he did, Juliet raised her brows and smirked "give me a minute captain." she told him, patting him on the shoulder, she turned walking towards the librarian, John B turned watching her "hi, I'm Juliet Cameron, my father had sent over some belongings from Tanny Hill for the archives and I was wondering if me and my friend here could take a look at them?" Juliet asked her, smiling, as the women nodded "yes. Just give me a second." she told her, walking off, and as she did, Juliet then turned to John B with a smile, John B was looking at her in shock having not thought she'd be so calm about it.

Romeo and Juliet, John B RouteledgeWhere stories live. Discover now