Chapter 9

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Michael woke up, cringing at the pain in his side. He poked at his side, yup. Still hurt. As per his agreement with Charlie, he'd had Evan help patch it up. For once his little brother being paranoid enough to carry around an excessive number of bandages was useful. Michael could only imagine how much worse this would make Evan's paranoia.

Michael opened his eyes and looked up the ceiling. It was violently purple. He blinked. He was looking at the ceiling. He was glad he could see again, but dang, did the first thing he saw after getting his sight back have the be the gaudy ceiling in his father's house? Michael thought purple was a nice color and all, but there was an excessive amount.

Charlie woke up and glanced at the rug where Michael was. "How's the blind old bay doing this morning?"

"Actually, I can see again, thank you very much."

"Good for you. What now?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, escape plan?"

"Oh! I came up with a pretty good one—"

Before Michael could finish his reply, William came down the hall. Elizabeth and Evan weren't far behind. "Let's get going, we have to get back to Circus Baby's to make sure everything is in order. Who knows what petty thing Henry attempted after our departure. Hopefully he didn't call the police and complicate things," William said as he grabbed a pack of Pop-tarts for everyone before grabbing his car keys.

"How do you feel about grand theft auto part two?" Michael whispered to Charlie.

"You have got to be kidding."

"I'll drive better this time! I won't be as panicked."

"Here I thought I was the idiot for not having a plan."

"We can both be idiots, I'm not selfish with the title."

William talked his foot impatiently. "Secrets secrets. Both of you have ten minutes before everyone needs to be in the car."


The four kids were sitting in Circus Baby's while William was in the basement. Funtime Freddy was keeping a close eye on them.

Michael stared Freddy down. "You guys think I can rewire this guy or at least shut him down?"

"Michael no," Evan immediately said fearfully.

"But what if Michael yes?"

"The child is right, Michael," Charlie said as she glanced over from the arcade game she was playing with Elizabeth.

"Child?! You're only two years older than me!" Evan replied, his outrage temporarily outweighing his horror and Michael's suggestion.

"You're a child. I'm a teenager. Besides, I said nothing if my own age, I simply remarked that you are a child."

Evan furrowed his eyebrow and stared at Charlie for a minute. "Fine. However the connotations of you addressing me as a child still imply that there is a significant age difference between us when in fact it is not that significant."

Elizabeth wrinkled her nose and glanced over from the arcade cabinet. "You read too many books. Talk like a normal person kid your age."

"Shan't," Evan responded simply before turning back to Michael. "I don't even know how you plan to do anything when you're blind."

Michael and Charlie exchanged a glance. "You didn't tell them?" Charlie asked with a frown.

"Didn't exactly get a chance!"

FNaF but AU/Less people dieWhere stories live. Discover now