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WOW today started crazy

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WOW today started crazy

I'm currently on the back of my horrible school, and I can assure you that I ain't drinking, nor smoking, witch is weird since I'm always smoking

Anyway, I am just about to throw my last punch to this bitch who dared to challenge me, when suddenly I hear my name being shouted

"LUNA!" My bestie screams pulling me out of my thoughts as I look up at her, just to see her with a mortified look on that pretty chocolate face of hers

"Yh momma?" I tease and she almost smirks, but that soon turns into a serious look, I eventually stand up and the girls head fall to the floor, since I was holding her by the collar

"everyone, get out of here, NOW!" mommy shouts to all the people that were watching the fight, they all run away including the girl that was getting beaten up

"Well, well, what's so important to ruin my morning fun?" I ask folding my arms over my chest, she looks at my exposed breast and then back at me, bi bitch

Shut up, your the same

Shut the fuc-

"Are you even listening to me lulu?" She asks and now she's the one folding her arms over her closed chest, what a shame

"I am, i am" I lie and she just shakes her head and begins again

"Um, your mother was found dead this morning, the cause was due to overdose, the police station is on their way here to get you and see if you have any close relatives and shit like that" she explains and I actually don't feel sad about the part that my so called 'mother' has died

She has been abusing me since I was little, every day coming home drunk and taking everything on me, I've got a few scars from her, I've got many horrible memories of how my childhood was, I would always cry to sleep and never smile, until...

I meet a man that I consider him as my father, he has been a father figure to me for almost 10 years now, he helped me go through life with that witch, he helped be who I am now, he trained me and feed me when that crazy lady would make me starve for days, he helped with my scars, nightmares and many more sad things that happened in my life

I know you most be thinking, 'couldn't he adopt or take you with him?', It's not as easy as it sounds, he has been trying for the first 7years but soon we saw no results from anywhere and I told him to give up on it, we got used to my life being like this and moved on, until 3 years ago when he disappeared out of nowhere and didn't leave any trace of him that we could possibly found

And by we, I mean my best friend since we was 5, Naiomi, and my guy best friend since we was 7 and he was 8, we meet him on one of the houses Milo, (the father figure) had us go on a first mission with him, we saw him hurt and badly injured, so we took him and now he's been in our lives ever since, we are inseparable

After father's disappearance it's like we all feel in depression and sadness took our anger away for a while, we've done everything possible to find him, but he is just nowhere to be found

I miss him so much

"It's impossible, I don't have any family" I explain to her and she just looks at me like I'm dumb

"Who told you that?" She asks
"Well according to mothe-"she cuts me off

"According to that woman, she could have lied to you and you can still have family around there, looking for you" she views a very good point

"True sexy, but even if I have family they wouldn't want me, I mean who would want a girl that kills for fun and is feared by everyone?" I ask  and she just stares at me, "well I know I'm hot as fuck but it's cree-"

"Oh shut it, you've got a point, but let's talk later you have to go to the police station" she explains and I just sigh and start walking to the front of our school and already see the principal talk to some officers

"There she is officers" he points at me and I just roll my eyes at him, "what crime have you done today miss" he asks folding his arms

Fat ass

... 🎵 ...

I have been sitting in this station's uncomfortable chair, for about 30 minutes and my ass is starting to hurt, just as I'm about to stand up to go to the bathroom, a really good looking officer comes in with a file on his hands

"I'm really sorry for your loss miss, but I've got good news, I found out that you have brothers that live in Italy, they said that they can take you in and be with you for the rest of this whole year until you turn 18" IVE GOT WHAT NOW? That bitch lied to me, I could of run away along time ago

Oh she's so dead
Bitch she's in hell at the moment
Oh, then I'll meet her there
You sure will

"Ive got b-brothers?" I stutter a bit

"Yes miss and two of them will be here any time soon to pick you up" he explains and I just nod still processing all this new information

What do they look like?
How many brothers?
Will they be nice!?

A lot of questions were in my mind at the moment and I just couldn't stop myself form thinking, why did the never look for me and now they are willing to take me with no hesitation?

They most be planning something, I will not take my guard down on those guys, I'll be mean and my badass vibe that I don't need to put up, because I was made like that and will not stop

"Miss they have arrived" I hear and look up to see two tall figures there

"Hello sorella, we've missed you so much" one says and I see the relief mixed with happiness and pain in his eyes

Bye bitches ✌🏽🩷

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